About Awkward Saints

Posted on Aug 1, 2024

At our core, we are an small group of practicing Christians, committed to the preservation and transparency of information regarding Christian churches and leaders. Our mission is to ensure that the activities, decisions, and public statements of these leaders are accurately documented and archived. This work is crucial not only for historical integrity but also for the accountability that is essential within any institution of influence.

Our Purpose

The influence of church leaders extends beyond their immediate congregations, often shaping broader societal and cultural narratives. As such, it is imperative that their actions and words are preserved in a manner that is both comprehensive and objective. We seek to safeguard this information against efforts to obscure or erase it, particularly by those who may have vested interests in keeping certain details out of the public record.

Public Interest

The Importance of Archiving

In the digital age, information is both abundant and vulnerable. Leaders who wish to reshape or sanitize their public personas may attempt to alter or remove records that reflect poorly on them. This poses a significant risk to the integrity of the historical record and hinders the public’s ability to hold influential figures accountable for their actions. By systematically archiving the activities of church leaders, we provide a safeguard against such attempts, ensuring that the truth remains accessible and intact.

Accountability and Integrity

Our work is founded on the principles of accountability and integrity. We believe that transparency is not only a moral imperative but also a foundational requirement for trust in leadership. When leaders are aware that their actions and statements will be preserved, they are more likely to act in accordance with the values they profess. Conversely, the absence of such oversight can lead to unchecked power and the erosion of ethical standards.

Commitment to the Public Interest

Our commitment is to the public interest. The information we archive serves as a resource for scholars, journalists, and the broader public, allowing for informed analysis and discussion. By maintaining an accurate and comprehensive record, we contribute to a more informed society and help prevent the revision or erasure of significant events and decisions.

The Importance of Contributor Pseudonymity

Contributors need to operate without fear of intimidation, and it is essential that they have the right to use pseudonyms, a standard practice on platforms like Wikipedia. This approach ensures both the security of our contributors and their freedom to continue their valuable work. Given the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of our mission, we fully support our contributors in determining how much personal information they choose to disclose. By respecting their choices regarding pseudonymity, we provide the necessary security that allows them to focus on the quality and integrity of their contributions without personal concerns.

Preserving Integrity and Objectivity

The use of pseudonyms is not merely about protecting individual identities; it is crucial for maintaining the objectivity and credibility of our archive. Publicly revealing the identities of contributors could shift attention away from the content and toward the individuals themselves, which might undermine the value of the information we are preserving. By upholding their right to pseudonymity, we ensure that the focus remains on the content and that the truth remains central.

Balancing Transparency with Contributor Security

Some may perceive a tension between our commitment to transparency and the use of pseudonyms by our contributors. However, this balance is both necessary and prudent. Our mission is to hold influential figures accountable, and safeguarding the security and freedom of our contributors is key to the success of this mission. Allowing them to work under pseudonyms is not a barrier to transparency; rather, it enables the transparency and accountability that our work seeks to promote. Without these protections, our ability to document and archive the actions of those in power could be significantly compromised.

In maintaining the security and freedom of our contributors through the use of pseudonyms, we are not diminishing the integrity of our mission but upholding it. These measures are essential for ensuring that our contributors can continue their important work effectively and without compromise, allowing us to pursue our goal of transparency and accountability.


The preservation of information regarding influential church leaders is not merely a task of documentation; it is a crucial endeavour for maintaining accountability, integrity, and transparency. We are dedicated to this mission, ensuring that the actions and words of those in positions of power are recorded accurately and preserved for future generations. We invite all who share our commitment to truth and accountability to join us in this important work.