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North Heights Lutheran Church


8/19/2009 by K.M.

“I detest this lethargic spirit.
Why do you allow it to remain?
So much to accomplish - in such a short period of time….for eternity.
Is your heart willing?
Then why do you put it off?

I AM not talking of ‘busyness’.
I AM speaking of that which you know, deep within your spirit.
-To accomplish all that I’ve asked of you.

You - not your brother, nor your sister - but, you!

Heaven awaits in the balance.
Yet, you move forward as if you have 1000 tomorrows.
You have TODAY.
And today you have work for the Kingdom to fulfill.
I have called YOU.
Will you come?

Hunger for more of Me.
Take your focus off of the daily issues that distract you.

To each I have purpose for you being where you are.
It’s an eternal purpose.
Have new eyes.

I AM waiting for you to say ‘YES’ and to get moving.

This isn’t about your salvation
-but it is about the eternity of others whom I’ve placed in your path.

Come beloved.

Shake off all that entangles you.
See how that spiritual battle surrounds you with the attempt to keep you doing NOTHING!
COMPLACENT!   Worried about self and your own intimate world.

This is why I have been calling you for months to take your eyes off of your own small circumstances and instead, lift your face to gaze into Mine.

I love you.
I will take care of you.
But the days that you live in are not as they seem.

The warfare is growing more intense.
The enemy has come against My own in unexpected deceitful ways.

You must be aware.
You must be on guard.
You must throw off this lethargic spirit that has told you,
‘Let others do it!  You have too much on your own plate.’

I tell you the truth ~
Seek My face and I will direct you daily to your eternal appointments.

Do not be mislead - even as I give rest, My will is accomplished - as you seek My face.
In rest, let us meet.  
Let Me refresh your spirit.
Let Me revive your heart and give a cool drink to your spirit, your soul.

and then……
Go out again!
The battle is raging!
I need you!
I need you equipped, armed, prepared!
Do not stay behind, beloved.
You are needed……for such a time as this!”

Hebrews 12: 1-2
1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Prophetic Round Table

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