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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:35:05

North Heights Lutheran Church


9/24/2009 S.G.

This is a time of grace to you and the rest of my people.  This is actually a time of preparation:  a time to prepare your heart for what is coming.  This is the calm before the storm.  During this time, do your best to prepare your finances by eliminating debt and setting aside cash reserves, but above all prepare your hearts by cultivating trust in me. 

You are approaching a time when you will need to be clean and pure in heart and simple in your motives.  Trust me for guidance and be instant in obedience.  I do not intend that even one of my people will be left without my resources and my protection, but this provision will depend upon obedience to me.  This has always been important, but never more than during this coming time. 

Never doubt my faithfulness to you, my people, for I am absolutely faithful.  I will take care of my own and I will satisfy those who hunger and thirst for me.  I am a living and gushing well of hope and promise for those who look to me.  I alone can satisfy those who thirst for the eternal.

I am the rock, the unmovable one.  Establish your foundation on me for I am the One who sustains through floods and hurricanes, through every storm of life. 

My children, prepare your hearts to trust/rely on/depend upon me, for I am the only strong and stable thing in a shaking and troubled world.  I am your strong tower.  I am your sure defense.  I am all that you need and more.

Those who depend upon me, those who trust me will never be put to shame, for I am the Eternal One, I am the Rock, I am the All Sufficient One, I am Always Faithful, I am the Truth and the Life, I am all that you need.

Come to me with all your hearts, never doubting.  Do not hold back, do not equivocate and do not hesitate, for I hold before you a pathway of life, both today and into eternity.

My children, I love you with an everlasting love, a tender love that surpasses all other loves.  Come to me.  I am calling you.  Do you not hear me?

Prophetic Round Table

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