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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:33:18

North Heights Lutheran Church


10/4/2009 S.M.

I am who I am. I am the God of I am. That means I am the God of all things in Heaven and here on the earth. I will continue to shake the earth, to sift My people so that they will shift and move away from the things of darkness in this world. This fall there will be many violent storms and shaking through the earth.
I will no longer allow My church to prostitute herself with the world. I will no longer allow My church to have one foot in the world and one foot in My Kingdom. Come out of this world. My Kingdom is not of this world.(John 18:36) Pornography and adultery must go. Watching ungodly movies and TV shows must go. Investing in things of darkness must go. Look beyond the surface to see where your resources are going. You can no longer oppress the poor. My judgment first comes to the house of the Lord. I will no longer tolerate your double minded thinking. Repent cleanse your self of these sins. I am Holy, you must pursue Holiness.
Focus your eyes on things from above, know what are My desires, My heavenly plans are, and bring them here to earth. I have chosen these Twin Cities to pour out My Spirit. Are you a clean vessel in which I can pour My Spirit into?
Come to Me, your heavenly Father and repent of your wicked ways. I have a higher standard. Come to Me. Repent! Repent and I will use this church to change the course of this nation and the world. I will raise up in this church history makers and world changers. Repent come back to Me. Cleanse your hands, your minds, and I will pour My Spirit in this church in such a measure it will spill out as a fount of restoration to a thirsty world. Allow the Spirit of repentance to flow. Then I will pour out My Spirit and fill you to an overlow which you will not be able to contain. (Matthew 3:11)
Come to Me your heavenly Father. Come back to Me, surrender fully, let go with both hands. Put your hands in My hands as we usher in the Great awakening of My Kingdom.
Repent, I love you, I am a loving Father.

Prophetic Round Table

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