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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:42:29

North Heights Lutheran Church


9/27/2009 K.C.

There is an emptiness, oh church—an emptiness that I am not allowed to fill—
Look among you—where are you—see how there are those among you missing.  Why has your heart not turned to the command of Unity?  I see you come in fullness to “church celebrations” but now that I give freely to you and call you into a period of unity and obedience—you are missing.

Do you know what these choices do to your Father’s heart?  You need to align yourself and your priorities with the request of the Father.  Give up your plans and turn to the paths of righteousness set before you by the Holy Spirit.  Draw in my church, come together, be of one heart, and of one mind.  This is MY season for you—you need to hear the call placed upon your hearts—Fall down upon your knees oh church—raise up your hands and turn your faces up to the Father who calls upon you as His One Body.
My Church, I am Desperate for one voice from you that you may know your true calling—Calling to do my will.  Calling to have one heart that moves among you.  A heart of obedience—a heart of servanthood, a heart that is right and true. 
Come before ME all of you church—do not let empty seats be among you.  Come together—it is your calling—It is your time.  I say Come—I say Reach out for each other and you will find me there. 

Hear me oh church and come.

Prophetic Round Table

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