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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:36:32

North Heights Lutheran Church


9/5/2009 - R.H.

Again and again I am calling you.  My word to you is simple, but it can only be obeyed as you rest in Me and draw on the power of My Spirit.
It is not an easy thing to come into unity – and that is what I desire for you.  You must, each one of you, lay aside the strongholds and traditions of the past; your past.  These are the bondages, habits, traditions, and ways of thinking and relating that I want you to be free of.  You cannot continue with these things and enter into the unity I desire for you.
You are right in longing to be one with Me, but I have so much more for you.  You will only know Me fully and experience My love, joy and power when you come into unity with one another – long for that with a pure, undivided heart.  The bondages of the past divide you from Me and knowing Me fully because they divide you from your brothers and sisters.  I am all around you in your brothers and sisters but you do not see it because you will not come close and serve one another in love.
Your unity with one another – loving each other with My love for that person (ask me how I long to love them through you) - is the means to wholeness and it is your protection.
You are living stones – take your place in the wall standing shoulder to shoulder with those I place you next to.  Love them as I love them, hold nothing back.  I have withheld nothing for you.  If you link arms in love in this way – then and only then can you stand against the onslaught of the enemy.
Your strength is in your unity.  I have given you to each other, as gifts.  Serve one another, build one another up, love one another and hold nothing back – follow my example.  I will bless you and empower you and you will not be leaving openings in the wall through which Satan can enter and steal, kill, and destroy.
You are your brother’s keeper!  Each of you has a place in the wall to fill.  Take your place for your own blessing and safety as well as for the blessing and safety of those around you.
I love you and long to see you working, loving, and living in unity.
Then you will know Me as I long to reveal Myself and power in you and on your behalf.
Join hands and wait for me!   Love one another fully – I am at the door.

Prophetic Round Table

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