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North Heights Lutheran Church


7/19/2009 L.U.

I AM able to break the strongholds in your lives. I AM the only one who has the power to do this. Come to Me, seek Me to set you free. I AM desiring those whose walk is so intimate with Me that I can whisper in their ears. I AM desiring to call to My children, to speak to them--but so few are seeking. Brokenness, brokenness is needed to hear My voice. I AM not able to speak to those who will not hear, who are proud, independent, those who do not seek. I AM calling My people, will My people hear? Will My people be ready for the days ahead? Will My people be ready for the outpouring that is to come? I AM a God of love--how dearly I love My people. How I want to speak and have them listen--what a comfort to have intimate communion with the living Lord. This is My desire. Pray this into being. Pray that more people will be open to hear My voice. I AM calling My people to follow Me in a way they never have before. Deeper, deeper, My people must move deeper in things of My Spirit, for times ahead will be difficult. My people must be ready-strong in the Spirit and mighty in battle. The battle ahead will be fierce. But I AM victorious. I AM all powerful. I AM able to sustain, uphold, comfort, and raise My children above all circumstances of this earth. How I love you, My children.

Prophetic Round Table

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