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North Heights Lutheran Church


7/8/2009 S.M.

For every problem I have a solution. 
For every obstacle I have a way around.
When things are hard I’ll make them softer, or I’ll make you harder.

When you think you are overcome, I will come to you and I will overcome.
When you are depressed and in darkness, I will lift you up and bring My light.

When you are down in the valley, remember I will never leave, nor forsake you.

Do not be weary in doing good, persevere, and press on.
Do not fear nor be discouraged, rather be bold and courageous.

Go into battle fearlessly, when you are on My offensive I will be your rear guard, I will cover you.
You will lack nothing, I will provide, I know your needs, even before you ask. Ask in the name of My son Jesus, and be ready to receive.

I am for you, I am with you, go for it, this is the now time. This is the now time to go for it, I delight in you.

Seek Me while I may be found, I desire to pour out My Holy Spirit.

Will you be My disciple? Are you willing to pay the price; the cost to be bonded to My son Jesus?

Sow up for yourself heavenly treasures invest in My Kingdom. The spiritual laws supersede the natural laws; give and you will receive, the least will be the greatest, the last will be first, die and you will live.

Prophetic Round Table

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