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North Heights Lutheran Church


7/9/2009 K.M.

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me will find it.’”

He then began to speak:

“Easier said than done.
You understand this intellectually but are you able to grasp it with your heart? Are you able to live it within your spirit?

Put on Christ through the transformation of your mind and heart.
To be like My Son means to let go of self.

Yes, I see the anxiety that tries to rise up with you at the thought of denying yourself completely and carrying your cross - yet there is utter freedom in Me when you do.
The joy present in your spirit is beyond comprehension.
You will sense My filling of the Holy Spirit in ways you never have before.
You will be empowered by Me and will walk forward in faith and conviction.

Such are the days that you live in.
I desire men and women of such faithful obedience.
Through these of faith - I shall move mountains.

What is your cross? What are you to deny yourself of?

Come to Me.
For each one of you - it is different.
It is through our intimate relationship that I will sing over you My own love song.
I will whisper to you, what I want to free you of.

To deny yourself is to break free of chains that bind you.

To take up your cross - empowers you to radically move in your earthly realm
-breaking through the enemy’s camp to set the captives free in My name.

Arise My love- out of your slumber.

The enemy has encroached on land that is not his.
Take back the ground.
Take back the authority (that) I have placed within you.

You are covered in the blood of the Lamb.
My Son has paid a great price for you.
Do not allow the enemy to rob you - take your rightful authority.

Put on your armor.
The battle has grown fiercely intense.
The more you choose Me…the more you seek Me…the more you hunger for Me…the more you desire My truth …the more you deny yourself …the more room there will be for the filling of My Holy Spirit.
The greater the outpouring of My work through you.

Get up! Get going!
There is work to be done for My kingdom purpose.

I Am equipping you.
Do not fear!

May your faith increase.
You can trust Me beloved.
I AM the lover of your soul.

Awaken My love!
Awaken My darling!
Take up your cross.

Prophetic Round Table

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