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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-05-30T15:24:51

North Heights Lutheran Church


NHLC Council of Elders Meetingxml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /

Council Minutes from March 16, 2010

(These minutes were approved by the Council on April 20, 2010.)

Those in attendance:

All council members were present except Pr. Mark Herringshaw.

Invited guests:

Jean Bearden, Pr. Marcus Haug and Joyce Hardwick, scribe.


Opening prayer time:

Rob opened the meeting with prayer.  Others followed as every guest and member, pastor and leader was lifted to the Lord.  We prayed for the call committee, for the new believers from last Sunday morning’s AH services, for unity and for everything connected with “The Thorn.”  We thanked God for His many blessings to our church.


Agenda and Minutes Review and Approval:

The agenda and minutes from February 16, 2010, were approved as written.


Prophetic Roundtable (PRT) Report:

The prophetic words that had been approved by the PRT had been sent to the council members for their prayerful discernment.  Two had a theme of God’s love for hurting people.  Others will be either sent to the leadership or will be published in Up-to-Date.

***Action Item***

Cindy McCarthy is continuing to work on tracing the major themes that have been in prophecies in the past and will share them with the council and call committee.


Ministries Review by Jean:

•  Community Care Report-

Jean called attention to Mindy’s report: “What’s New in Community Care,” dated March, 2010.  It is a very encouraging and complete account of the outreach of many ministries  to our congregation and the community.


•  Discussion re. who may be addressed as Pastor-

There was discussion re. the practice of referring to people functioning or trained as a pastor by the title “Pastor” and how that can be made consistent among those in ministry at NH.


•  Discussion re. which pastors should go through the call process-

Before Pr. Bob C. retired he recommended that NH only go through a formal call procedure for senior pastors- not for others hired as pastors.  It would be the same as when other staff members are hired.

***Action Item***

Tasse, Tom and Margo will meet to consider these items and will make a recommendation to the council at the next meeting in April


•  Date for the Annual Meeting in May-

It was recommended that it follow the morning service on Sunday, May 23 and include lunch in the Great Hall.

***Action Item***

Jean will check to see if this date will work.


•  3d Ministries follow-up-

The 3d Ministries book is available in the bookstore.

There is a “Taster” retreat in Lexington, KY in June.  There are no charges other than air fare and hotel.  Any council members interested in attending can get more information from Jean or on line.  3d is a culture based on Scripture that creates a framework for ministries.


•  Other news re. ministries-

The Young at Heart trip filled up in three days.

CURE Ministries now sponsors a meal on Thursday nights in North Minneapolis, as well as the usual Monday evening meal in St. Paul.  God is blessing this outreach with increased numbers and opportunities for ministry.

Kim Sollie is planning a trip to China to explore potential connections there.


Financial Review and other items by Marcus:

Marcus had sent the financial report through February, 2010 to the council.  Finances are staying much the same as last month.

•  The new website is up and running and getting many “hits” each day.

•  The Lenten series is going well.  Attendance is up from last year.

•  The possibility of moving the Cornerstone Bookstore to the lower centrum is being investigated.  The largest groups of people attending events and services at AH pass through that area.


Old Business:

Rob edited and rewrote the Council Rules of Conduct.  They have been emailed to the council.

New Business:

•  Funding Request-

Richard Munala is planting a church especially to minister to people from Africa- Mzizi Church. They would like to establish it in the St. Louis Park area.  He is requesting funding for it.  This request is outside the scope of the Benevolence Committee.  But council members decided to pray and listen to God during their next huddle time to discern what God would want them to do.  Margo will plan to visit their church.


 •  Pastors’ Photos at AH and RV-

Rob will handle this.  The larger one of the Vaagenes will be downsized to match a similar one of the Cottinghams.


•  Review of Call Committee’s Selection Criteria for Senior Pastor-

Rob had sent the council the Call Committee Status Up-date. 

There was a long discussion regarding call committee selection criteria and some recommendations will be communicated to the committee.

Due to the lateness of the hour the Call Committee Status Up-date was not discussed.

•  Benevolence Committee discussion-

The council made a decision to remove the ARC, MI and Lutheran Renewal from the Benevolence Committee part of the NHLC Budget.  Pr. Marcus will make the necessary budget adjustments. Due to the full agenda and the late hour we did not get time to consider the full list of benevolence requests.The next meeting of the council is usually a huddle. But the decision was made to do some necessary church business during the second half of the huddle meeting. Rob will present the Benevolence Committee requests as the first thing on the agenda.

***Action Item***

Rob will ask Jim Phillips if he will make a presentation on April 6th, 6:30 P.M. in the Roseville Prayer Room on the remaining Benevolence requests for funding.


There was a motion to adjourn.  Margo closed in prayer.


Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Hardwick






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