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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-05-30T11:53:27

North Heights Lutheran Church


NHLC Council of Elders Meetingxml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /

Council Minutes from April 6, 2010

(These minutes were approved by the Council on April 20, 2010)


 Those in attendance:  Rob Iten, Margo Hutchison, Keith Oelschlager, Tasse Anderberg, Tom Erie, Mary Jo Erdman, Pastor Mark Herringshaw, invited guest – Jim Phillips.


Opening prayer time:

The council spent time in prayer, lifting up the needs of the church to the Lord and thanking Him for His faithfulness.



The agenda was approved.


Benevolence Committee:

Jim Phillips, chairman of the benevolence committee, presented the committee’s recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year.   The criteria change, which was implemented last year, was helpful in measuring the fruitfulness of the ministries we supported.  The ministries were asked to provide updates on how they were meeting their objectives and did they reach their milestones?  This was also very helpful in determining whether the ministry would be funded in the next fiscal year.  Three ministries were identified not be funded this year, due to lackluster participation and performance.

The ministries were given advanced warning that they were at risk.


There were 21 applicants, and the breakdown is as follows:


17 – awards went to charity and outreach   81%

4   - awards went to resource ministries      10%

The remainder of funds to undesignated       9%


A one time gift, was given to Mzizi Church, which is being planted by Richard Munala.  The focus of this church is ministry to foreign students.


 Senior Pastor Criteria:

The council discussed the Senior Pastor criteria, which was formulated by the Call Committee.  With a minor change, the criteria was approved.


A motion was made to change Mark Herringshaw’s salary from his current rate, to that of Senior Pastor effective April 1st 2010.  The motion passed.


A motion was made and accepted to adjourn the meeting.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jo Erdman










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