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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-12-22T01:11:26

North Heights Lutheran Church



My word for my people today is assurance that during the coming days my presence will be very real to them.  Those who listen for my Remah word and pay attention by applying it to their own hearts and situations and act in faith when I instruct them – they will indeed be like trees planted by streams.  Their roots will tap into the aquifer, the underground streams of my spirit, and they will have a source of knowledge and direction and sustenance that others will not have.

Come to me, my children, for I am your safe harbor during the storm.  Come to me, my children, for I will shelter you and sustain you.  Listen to my voice.  I am speaking to you right now in this very moment, and I am giving you a confirmation in your spirit that this is so.  Treasure my word, for it is life to you.  Treasure my word, for it is truth to you.  My word is a light unto your path during the darkest of times.  My word is eternal, but it is also living – it is with you right now as a vibrant force in your life.  Listen to my words, to my voice, for this is the secret for the coming days.

If you ignore my word, you will be without a light in the darkest of nights, without a guide, not knowing your way.  Listen to me and trust me and I will lead you and care for you.  Best of all, my children, you will be in relationship with me.  It is my desire to grow in relationship and intimacy with you, in tenderness and mercy.  If this is to happen for you, you must listen to me.  Listen for my voice.  Treasure my words, for they are life to you.

Prophetic Round Table

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