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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:43:10

North Heights Lutheran Church


10/25/2009 MH

I received a vision of a Thanksgiving table and all the guests invited to the meal.  Then this is what I heard the LORD say:

“Come to MY Table for all is now ready”.  MY children sat down to dine with ME.  Some of MY children had fun eating with ME.  They laughed and talked with ME and thanked ME for the food.  They were loud and happy and spilled a few things on MY tablecloth but I said, “That’s okay, enjoy the meal”.  Some of MY children ate their meal with great joy and peace because they remembered eating this way with ME everyday, not just on special occasions.  They too thanked ME for the food.  I am so happy to dine with them.

Some of MY children just sat quietly at MY table, picking at the food hoping that the meal would end soon so they could get back home.  I told them I was glad they came and that I want them to enjoy themselves and their other brothers and sisters, but they didn’t hear ME.  But I am still glad they came. 

But then I invited all MY children and some refused to come.  I heard their excuses, " I don’t like that table", “I can’t eat that kind of food.” “Let’s eat dinner in front of the TV.  It’s just as good”.  It saddened ME that all MY children did not come.  I missed their presence at MY table.

The food and fellowship was MY gift to you My children.  To encourage you.  To build you up.  To strengthen you for the coming days.  To all those who came I say “thank you for your presence.  To those who did not come I say, “I missed you”.

Then I was lead to Acts 2: 46-47:   …….they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart…”

Prophetic Round Table

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