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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:30:40

North Heights Lutheran Church


10/23/2009 SM

A warning to surrender and prepare       

I am about to shake this country in a significant way, it will bring many to their knees, others it will harden their hearts. Press in; seek Me. Those in My family, in My covering, have nothing to worry about. These events and subsequent events will release a demonic onslaught upon this nation. This attack will be unprecedented. I will use this to find and straighten out My Kingdom churches, and organizations. I will also release powerful anointing on those people and organizations that have been training and preparing for this time.

People need to have enough food and provisions for a minimum of 30 days. Do not worry. Delight in Me, I will be your rampart, I will be your protection. In this collapse I will bring forth My kingdom. Do not worry about this time or hour of this.

These events are not the end of the world. Some will make speeches, false prophets will abound. It is not the end of the world. It is the end of the world as you know it. Be prepared be diligent. I am with you. Store up for your selves heavenly treasures. Move your money as My Holy Spirit directs. Seek Me your Heavenly Father and I will be found. Start the preparation for My kingdom to come and My will to be done.


Make Me Lord; I will be that still small voice to guide you. This specific event and events that follow will be a surprise. I will be with you. Do not fear, nor be anxious. Do not fear. Do not be anxious. Trust in Me your abba Father. My hand is not too short to reach down into any situation. These things to come are written in My book.

I am sovereign. I am who I am. Come to Me now. Prepare your hearts, your minds for the inferior things of this world to collapse, that I may bring forth the superior. The age of the kingdom of God is coming

Prophetic Round Table

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