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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-12-22T00:55:52

North Heights Lutheran Church


11/15/2009 LU

I AM calling you My children to be like the eagles, to soar on the wings of My Spirit. I AM able to lift you above the demands of this world, I AM able to lift you from the circumstances that seem to be crumbling around you. I AM able to sustain you, to uphold you, to deliver you from the ordinary. For I AM calling you My people to live lives of extraordinary faith, of extraordinary hope.

I AM calling you My people to live in the here and now with a heavenward glance-no not a glance-with a gaze. Are you My people gazing toward heaven? Are you My people expectant? Are you My people waiting, waiting for heaven to pour forth its power here on earth? Are you expecting? For soon it will come-will you be ready-ready to receive all the power of the Almighty? Are you emptied of yourselves enough for Me to fill you to overflowing?

I AM calling you church to a higher place. And I AM looking for obedient hearts, willing hearts, open hearts, hearts that are willing to lay aside their own agenda for My agenda. For My ways are not your ways, My thoughts are not your thoughts. So seek Me, seek Me, seek Me. In seeking only Me–you will find all-all that you need for what the next steps will be. Seek to be close in step with My Spirit.

Prophetic Round Table

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![](/web/20101222005552im_/ Info/subpageSmallBottom/1 Updates-from-Per.jpg) ![](/web/20101222005552im/ Info/subpageSmallBottom/2 Christmas-Services_1.jpg) ![](/web/20101222005552im/ Info/subpageSmallBottom/3 Undivided.jpg) ![](/web/20101222005552im/ Info/_subpageSmallBottom/Men’s-Spring-Retreat.jpg)

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