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North Heights Lutheran Church


11/15/2009 SG

My children – my people – you who are students of my word, you who desire to know me better and who crave with all your hearts to hear me better and more clearly.  Listen to me now, my people, for I have a calling for you to walk in, a destiny for you to live in.  The coming days will test you and try you and at times it will seem that you are beset on every side, but do not become afraid.  Do not allow yourselves to become overcome by fear for I am telling you now, in advance, that this will happen.   I will carry you through this time and I will hold you firmly in my arms so that my light will shine through you as a beacon in a troubled time.  My people, you are called by name.  And because of my name some will try to destroy you, but I will not allow it.  I will defend you and I will uphold you. 

So my word to you is this:  be strong; be bold; be very courageous.  In your strength, in your boldness, in your courage to stand for what is right and true, my light will shine as a beacon to a troubled and anxious world during a difficult and dangerous time.

My children, know that I love you with an everlasting love – a love that began before time began and will last beyond the end of time.  My love will never fail you, and I will never let you down.  I will not leave you or forsake you.  Though the battle may grow fierce, remember that I am the commander of Heaven’s hosts.  Look around you.  See that the Armies of Heaven are camped around you.  There are more with you than those that are against you.    This is the time to be alert.  Watch.  Pray.  Be sensitive to my voice.  Prepare your hearts and minds, for this is a time of preparation for what is yet to be.

It is not my intention to alarm you or frighten you.  On the contrary, it is my intent to encourage you with the knowledge that no matter what happens, I am with you.  Remember who I am.  I am the Creator.  I am the Lord of Hosts.  I am the one who sustains and upholds you.  I am your (II Kings 6:15-18)--Redeemer.  I am your friend.  I am your father and your brother.  (Matthew 12:50)--I am with you and I will not fail you.

Prophetic Round Table

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