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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:33:43

North Heights Lutheran Church


11/1/2009 DW

I had spent some time using all five senses sitting in Jesus’ lap, snuggling, safe, warm, head against His breast, looking into His eyes, Him stroking my check, smiling, tickling, giggling, my snuggling back in, hearing a story, closing my eyes and resting, sweetest rest ever.  Just being.

These words followed:

There is no calamity that ever could come that would rob you of this quiet, safe place… no death, no disaster.  Come to it often.  This is your docking point to power-up, your never-ending source for all you ever need.

Fear Not for I am Near. 

Oh My beloved, think not that your days should all be fun or easy.  This is not the way of your world.  It is filled with many trials and pains.  But I, your God, the Lover of your everlasting soul, want to sustain you in every trial.  DO NOT FEAR!!! I AM NEAR! There is never, ever a trial that I do not see you through to victory.  Even in death there is victory.  No.  Nothing that can come your way is beyond My redemption.  Nothing!

Here you rest and listen and I would carry you through any and all disaster.

Rest in that place.  Do not fear.  See My heart of Love and do not fear.  Let My Love replace your fears for they are many.  But My Love is stronger, deeper, wider, forever and ever.  Your trials are temporary and passing.  But My Love is relentless and complete.  Rest in that provision.  Not in your circumstances.  No, not in your circumstances whether they be good or bad for the moment.  Rest deep, hidden in My heart of Love!

Now you need to learn to praise like you have never, ever praised before.  It needs to come from your inner being, your every fiber, day and night, cloudy or sunny, happy or sad situation; let it flow; let it gush; let it flood; let it refresh; let it touch others in words and actions.  Praise Me with your body, with your soul reactions and with your spirit!

Philippians 4:4-7
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Prophetic Round Table

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