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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:30:14

North Heights Lutheran Church


12/9/2009 SG

Be bold!  Be strong.  Be very courageous, for I am the Lord your God and I am with you.

My children,

Do not be discouraged in this present time.  This is a day of trouble and anxiety; the world is full of doubt and worry.  It is full of want and distress.  My people, do not be filled with doubt.  Do not entertain concern and worry.  Do not look at what is going on around you and absorb this atmosphere of anxiety. NO!  Look to me – I am your All Sufficient One.  Is this not my name?  I am everything that you need.  Put aside your preoccupation with the “stuff” of life and look to me.  Do you not remember the words of Jesus that you are not to be anxious about anything?  Look to the flowers and how gorgeous they are.  I take care of them.  How much more do I take care of you!

Look at me my children.  Look at my face!  I allow you to come into my presence!  Gaze into my eyes.  My people:  don’t you hear me?  I am calling you.  I am calling you and you are passive.

Come to me my people.  All around you the world is full of anxiety and worry, but this is not what I intend for you.  NO!  Be not anxious for anything.  Look to me.  Trust me.  Respond to me when I call you.  I am with you.  I am for you.  I am all you need, for from me flows all good things.  I will not leave you or forsake you.

My children:  trust me.  Do not be afraid.  Be bold.  Be strong.  There are more that are with you than against you.  All of Heaven’s Armies are camped around you!

If you do not feel my abiding presence within your heart – if you do not feel my peace within you -- then you are to seek me.  Seek my face, for only by knowing me as I am can you be what I call you to be.  Be strong!  Be bold!  Be very courageous!  Step out and do as I call you.

North Heights – you are a city set on a hill. Pull up the shades and turn on your lights.  Pull back the draperies so my light – the light that shines within you – can stream through your windows.  I have called you for such a time as this.  This is your time.  Be strong.  Be bold.  Be very courageous, for I am your God and I am with you.

Prophetic Round Table

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