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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:34:04

North Heights Lutheran Church


12/12/2009 SG

My son, these are critical times and these are times for my people to stand on my principles and in my principles.  The first thing you must do is banish fear, for fear keeps you from stepping out as you should.  It keeps you from being full of faith and from being faithful.  Banishing fear is a decision on your part.  It is your choice.  I am telling you to do this, and I would not tell you to do something that you cannot do.  When you read the headlines, listen to news on radio or TV, or tap into the internet, do not accept the attitude of anxiety.  Simply choose to reject it.  The news gives you plenty of things to pray about, but do this in faith.  Remember that things are not necessarily as they seem.  The news is not necessarily true.  Listen to me for what I have to say.  I will help you to understand and perceive truth from falsehood.

Be an encourager.  Be ready to help others to have hope.  You know that the word “hope” has been depreciated and diminished in the political arena.  Hope is not to be found in a man or institution or even ideas.  Hope is found only in me.  In me, hope is not the potential for something good.  In me, hope is the assurance that something already exists in me.  I am your hope.  I am your Rock.  I am your strong foundation.  And be clear on this that there is no one other than me.  No, there is none.

Be generous.  This is a time of shortage and of want.  This is the time to share and uplift others.  When you hold out your hands to me to receive, do you not see that you can receive only if your hands are both open and empty?  This means that you must also be ready and willing to release to others what I give you.  Remember, you can receive more from me only with empty hands.  Hold loosely to what you have so that you may receive more from me.  In North Heights right now there are many who are holding on to what they should release to me.  Thus the words of Malachi are true in North Heights.  “You ask, ‘How have we robbed you?’  In tenths and voluntary contributions.  A curse is on you, on your whole nation, because you rob me.  Bring the whole tenth into the storehouse, so that there will be food in my house, and put me to the test, says Adonai Tzva’ot, the Lord of Hosts.  See if I won’t open for you the floodgates of heaven and pour out for you a blessing far beyond your needs.” (Malachi 3:8-10)

My people: do not hold on to your money because you are fearful in today’s economy.  Release what I am giving you to give, so that there may be plenty in my church, and so that there may be plenty in your own lives.  Come to me with open hands.  Release to me what I have given you so that I can fill your hands anew.  Be willing to be conduits for the wealth of my Kingdom.  I am looking for those who desire to see my kingdom come in a greater way in their lives and in those around them.  I am calling my people to obedience, not passivity.

My son, I value and treasure your heart of obedience.  I value your willingness to step into the destiny – the persona – that I have for you.  You must be obedient with each step, for you can block your own progress by disobedience.  A journey of a thousand miles is halted by the failure to take one step, anywhere along the way.  Be faithful in the small things, the small steps that I direct.  This is true for everyone who is part of my family.  Do you hear me, North Heights?  I am speaking to you individually as members, as part of the body.  Be faithful not fearful.  Trust me for I am trustworthy.

Prophetic Round Table

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