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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:40:33

North Heights Lutheran Church


1/24/2010 LU

During worship at the 9:30 a.m. service in Fellowship Hall, I received these words. Once again, I felt a resistance to the Holy Spirit at the beginning of worship. When Rhonda Dippon got up and spoke of using the powerful name of Jesus, something broke in the spiritual realm. As the congregation sang, “Praise the name of Jesus,” I received these words:

Things are being broken today that aren’t only for this place, and this time but for this city, this state, this nation. Can you hear the trumpet sound? Can you hear the trumpet sound? Warriors rise up, rise up warriors. I AM calling an army of people, an army of people who call on My name, who seek My power, who go forth into battle in the power of My Spirit and My Spirit alone. The battle line has been drawn, and I AM calling forth My people to war for the truth and righteousness that are only found in My Kingdom.

I AM seeking a people willing to lay down their lives for the sake of My kingdom—to die so that others may live. I AM seeking a people single hearted, fixing their hearts and minds on Me alone. The victory has already been won. I AM calling you to rise up into the place of victory that has already been won. The victory is won, the victory is won. I AM moving to release My power to all the corners of this city, this state, this nation, this world that I have created.

I AM coming soon. Be ready My people, be ready for you do not know the day or the moment when I AM coming. Soon, very soon, soon all My plans will unfold. Open yourselves to more of My Spirit. Seek My Spirit, My hope, My life, and My life alone—this alone will satisfy.

Prophetic Round Table

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