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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-12-22T00:54:13

North Heights Lutheran Church


2/18/2010 DW

Oh My beloved … I am wild about you .. mad about you .. deliriously enticed to incline My ear toward you and hear your praises of Me … your love song to Me.

If earthly parents can get lost in the eyes of their new born and long for that first smile … do you not know that My heart which is not broken and turned inward like yours… My heart is 100,000 times more able to Love than yours … do you not get it that I LOVE you with capital letters that shimmer in sparkles of light itself, dancing a LOVE song in and over and around you.  And I can LOVE everyone ever born with that same kind of glitter-dazzle LOVE of MY heart.  My heart is big enough to hold all that LOVE inside and give it out relentlessly and never, ever have it end.  I AM THE SOURCE of LOVE forever and ever and ever.

My LOVE covers over a multitude of sin.  It has from the time before time and will be after time passes into meaninglessness.  Nothing anyone ever has done or will do ever changes My LOVE for them an iota.  There is no wavering with in Me.

My heart breaks and aches and longs endlessly for the ones who have not returned My LOVE to Me. I long for them to turn their face toward Me and soak up My LOVE and live immersed in that place of LOVE until they are healed and whole and dancing and leaping and giggling without abandon every time they think of Me.

COME!  COME!  COME to My LOVE!!!  All who hear come!   Bask in My LOVE.  Soak it into your pores.  Let it seep into your soul.  Let it touch your spirit uniting Me with you!  COME!

Prophetic Round Table

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