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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:46:36

North Heights Lutheran Church


2/23/2010 SG

My people, be strong and courageous, for I am with you.  I have spoken this to you before and I speak it to you again, for this is a word that you are to walk, to do, to be.  Be strong and very courageous for I am with you.  I have made you for this time, for this place, and for this very hour.  I knew you as a people and a body before time began, because I have a place for you in my plan of redemption for all people and for building up the body of Christ.  I have known you from eternity past, and I know you into eternity future.  All the resources of Heaven are reserved for you, to enable you to move in my purposes and to accomplish my will.  I release them to you at the time and hour that they are needed.  Do not wait for my resources to come – move in my Spirit and all the resources that you will need will be provided for you.

You are in a time of change and transition.  Do not let this dishearten you.  Rather, let this time focus your hearts and minds on me, for I no longer lead where you have been.  I am leading you into a new place.  I have created you for this.  Though I give you the right to another way, I am calling you to go my way.  Take my hand and do not let go!  Take my hand and come with me, for I am leading you into places of greater power, greater anointing, and greater intensity.

My people, this is not the time to look back.  Look forward and look up to me, for I am about to do a new thing in you.  Though the earth would shake and all the world be caste into fear, I will not leave you or abandon you.  To the contrary, this is your moment.  This is your hour.  Do not doubt.  Do not waver, for I am leading you.

My children, I know what you are.  I know the fear and doubt that you feel.  But I want you to know this:  fear and doubt are not from me.  They are from your enemy.  I am telling you again:  be strong; be brave; be courageous, for all of Heaven is for you and with you.  Seize this moment.  Seize this day.  I place before you today a choice – follow me with courage and conviction or fall victim to fear and anxiety.  This is your choice.  Remember that you are my beloved, and you are mine.  There is no safer place for you than in the center of my will.

Prophetic Round Table

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