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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:42:10

North Heights Lutheran Church


2/28/2010 DW

Oh My beloved, it is not you.  This is not about you. You are living in the hurricane force winds and the turmoil you feel is not about you. It is about the eternal battle that rages in the heavenlies.  Nothing you do or have done, nothing anyone does or did would change that. You are engaged in a raging battle of evil versus Good.  Fear Not!  Set your sites on Me.  I AM PEACE.  Do not rage at each other. No. Do not blame.  Do not rage at anything but satan.  Direct your battle at him. Take charge of him.  I have given you authority that you have not taken up and used.  Use it!

Renounce the devil and he will flee.  Does that sound familiar?  Now you must live it … daily, hourly, minute by minute.  Rage war for Peace.

Your Prince of Peace is near … yea even in you.  Rest in that Peace.

Use you prayer language.  Use your prayer warriors.  Use every weapon … praise, thanksgiving, song.  Rest in Me.  War with only the real enemy, satan.

He has been defeated in the heavenlies.  But the battle on earth still rages.  Bring the heavenly to earth.  “Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done …on earth as it is in heaven.”

Sound familiar?  Now you must live it … day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.

Stomp him under your feet where he belongs.  You have the Power living in you.  Use Me, The Power, to stomp his head and grind it under your feet!

Prophetic Round Table

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