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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-12-22T01:14:53

North Heights Lutheran Church


5/2/2010 LU

During the communion worship songs at the 9:30 a.m. service in Fellowship Hall, I received a vision and words.

During one of the songs, I think it was “In Christ Alone” I saw this vision.

Not too long ago, I shared a vision of Jesus, standing at a wooden door. The scene was just like the picture I remembered from Sunday School days of Jesus standing at the door knocking, based on Revelation3:20. But the difference was that the door in my vision had a key, and the key was in the lock. On Sunday, I saw a vision of Jesus, with the key in the door, and the door had opened. The door was opened, but not a lot, maybe less than a quarter of the way open. But already water was pouring out from behind the door. I had the sense that as the door was fully opened there would be massive amounts of water flowing. As I said in the last vision, the water of the Holy Spirit and the picture of Revelation3:20 are linked together. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, many people will be saved.

After the vision, I received these words:

Prepare for the flood of My Spirit, My children. My flood is coming,

My flood is coming. The flood of My Spirit is coming across this city, this state, this nation. Nothing can stop the flood that has been brought about by the prayers of My people. Every cry has been heard, every prayer, every heart’s cry has been heard by a Father who loves His children.

My ear has been bent toward this place, this time. For this is a turning point, this is a people who has been raised up for such a time as this. It is the young people, the warriors who are having a sway on My heart, on My heart. Their heart’s cry is unhindered by so much of life. The passions of the young are so strong, so pure, so holy. I AM hearing church. I AM hearing the heart’s cry of My people.

Do not faint, do not grow weary, do not lose heart. For I AM sovereign, I AM mighty, I AM in control.

I AM worthy of your praise. I AM coming soon. My bride must be strong and mighty to withstand the storms that lie ahead. I AM calling you on My church, I AM calling you on.

I AM pleased with you, My precious North Heights, I AM pleased, I AM pleased. How I love you, how I love you.

Prophetic Round Table

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