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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:39:35

North Heights Lutheran Church


4/18/2010 SG

Come, my people.  Come to me.  Many of you are content with where you have been.  And indeed it has been good for I have blessed you greatly with riches from my Throne.  Like a shepherd I have lead you to rich pastures and sweet waters.  My people, I have restored your souls with the riches of my Kingdom.

But do not become complacent and content with where you are.  I am your shepherd and I am watching out for you.  I am protecting you and providing for you.  I do not want you to be content with where you are and with what you have experienced – I want you to be content only with me, and I am now leading you on to new things in my Kingdom.

You know my word: “Behold, I make all things new.”  Indeed this is true, and because I love you with a deep and unfathomable love, I am taking you further into my Kingdom.  I did not bring you into a rich place of water and provision as a place of retirement.  No.  When I bring you into green pastures and quiet waters, it is for restoration and rejuvenation.  Now it is time to move on.

Come, my children.  I am calling you forth into new things.  Come with me to the Mountains of Spices (SS. 4:6)  I have more to show you, more for you to experience, more for you to learn.  Take my hand, for I will take you places where you will be afraid to walk, but I will show you the way and where to put your feet.  Come my people into the mountains with me, for I have new vistas for you to see.  I have peaks for you to climb.

But you cannot experience any of what I have in store for you if you will not step out in faith.  Take my hand and come with me, for you are mine and I am yours.  I will provide for you.  I will protect you.  And along the way on this journey, you will learn more about my heart, more about who I am and who I am in you.

Come, my children.  Do not be afraid to leave behind the pleasant pastures and the still waters for I have more to show you, more to teach you, more to give you.  Yes – I have more for you, but you must respond to my call.

Prophetic Round Table

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