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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T22:32:34

Building a foundation of faith, knowledge, truth, and wisdom. 

Office: 651.797.7900 

LunchesNorth Heights Christian Academy offers the students a hot lunch option everyday. A lunch menu is sent home and posted on our web page at the beginning of each month. Hot lunches are $3.50 each, which also includes a carton of milk. Milk can be purchased separately, for $.25 per carton.  Deposits into the student’s account may be made Monday through Friday until 9:00 am.
Lunch Balances as of November 24, 2010[December Lunch Menu](/web/20101127223234/ note/December 2010 Lunch Menu.pdf) November Lunch Menu

© North Heights Christian Academy - A Ministry of North Heights Lutheran Church  

2701 North Rice Street, Roseville, MN 55113