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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T22:55:39

Building a foundation of faith, knowledge, truth, and wisdom. 

Office: 651.797.7900 

Click on the teachers name for individual class information.

Frank Butterfield, - Junior High Brenda Gilje - 4th Grade Joni Lenzen - Fine Arts
Corinne Castano - 1st Grade Elaine Hanson - Music Sherilyn Miller - 2nd Grade
Krista Deurloo - 3rd Grade Sharyn Hoium - Aide/AK Michelle Rollerson - K.3days
Mary Diehl - Junior High Jenny Johnson - 6th Grade Jane Tramm - K.5day
Diane Drake and Ginger Montezon - 5th Grade Sheila Johnson - 1st/2nd Grade
Kristin Fink - Junior High Anderea Kramer - AD/PE

© North Heights Christian Academy - A Ministry of North Heights Lutheran Church  

2701 North Rice Street, Roseville, MN 55113