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CONVERGE High school (9-12) Converge High School is where our 9th-12th grade students continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus while being called to new places of reaching out and serving.   Students meet in house groups every other Wednesday. What’s  a house group? Students gather in homes with other students from their school or area to build a strong community…a network of believers. It’s about 20-40 students gathering for food, crazy games and whole lot of fun. Not only do students build sweet relationships with their house group, but with their small groups as well. We are intentional about unpacking what it means to follow Jesus in our everyday world, and what it means to bring the gospel there. God is calling our students to take God’s power that is within them into their world to bring their friends to Christ!     On the weeks students are not in house groups, you will find us all together for Large Group! Every other week, all of our 9th-12th grade students converge together as one big community for worship, teaching, games, more worship, and just simply hanging out together. You’ll find us from 7-8:30 at the Arden Hills campus.    Check out the calendar for where to be this week.    What’s going down on Sundays? You’ll find our high school students attending worship services and serving the North Heights body! It’s so important that students begin to integrate into the larger church body so they know how to be a part of the church after graduation. Not to mention, a student who is serving is 10 times more likely to stick with their faith in college and beyond!    Check out the Events page for upcoming high school events, retreats, service opportunities, or mission trips/files/images/Students/Converge/sr high/high school registration.png DOWNLOADS/files/images/Students/Converge/converge iPhone icon.pngHOUSE GROUPS/files/images/Students/Converge/converge house sign png.pngPICTURES/files/images/Students/Converge/converge polaroids png.png


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