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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T22:18:57

Converge missions Here’s what’s coming for Summer 2011!
PUEBLA, MEXICO (8th grade trip) A team of 8th grade students and leaders will head to Esperanza Viva, an orphanage in Puebla, Mexico, and partner with the North Heights missionaries who are there.  The trip is a little construction and a lot of relationship.  Esperanza Viva is in the beginning stages of building a permanent building that will be home for the kids.  We’ll get to help in whatever phase of building they are in.  We’ll also have lots of time to play with the kids – play soccer and basketball, color, play games, and share the joy of Jesus! /files/Converge/images/South-Dakota-1_1.jpg /files/Converge/images/Puebla-2.jpg
YWAM – South Dakota (High School trip)We’ll be teaming up with YWAM’s Mission Adventure program again this summer and heading to an Indian Reservation on the boarder of South Dakota and Nebraska.  For those of you who think this won’t be as “culturally shocking” as Panama last summer, think again!  The Indian culture we will be immersed in is very different from the culture we live in.  We will be in a very small town and have MANY opportunities to form relationships and tell them about Jesus!  There will be some opportunities to help with a VBS as well.
There is an INFO MEETING for both trips on Sunday, November 21st from 1-2:30pm.  (Puebla – Great Hall, South Dakota – Youth Center)  Come and learn more about the trips, cost, fundraising, etc.  Parents, please come with your students!


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