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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T22:20:09

PARENTSParents, thanks for trusting us with your kids! We fully believe that YOU are the greatest influence in the life of your child! We are committed to partnering with you as you raise your kids to know and love God. Look around the rest of the website. You will find a calendar of upcoming events, retreat registration flyers, summer mission trip opportunities, etc.Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us!Interested in volunteering with our Student Ministry? Are you interested in loving on teenagers, developing relationships, being real, and authentically living for Christ in front of students? We’d love to talk more with you! Contact Gina at or 651-797-7847.A few resources for parents we’ve – The Center for Parent and Youth Understanding.  A great website to stay updated on current trends and things happening in youth culture. Recommended Books:• “Discover your Chilren’s Gifts” by Don and Katie Fortune• “When Kids Hurt: Helping Adults Navigate the Adolescent Maze” by Chap Clark• “The Space Between: A Parent’s Guide to Teenage Development” by Walt Mueller• “Disconnected: Parenting Teens in a MySpace World” by Chap Clark• “Hurt: Inside the World of Today’s Teenagers” by Chap ClarkWhat are your students learning?We want to keep you in the loop with what we’re teaching on Wednesday nights so you can talk with your kids about it! KAIROS – We started off the year talking about Kairos moments, or “moments in time where the eternal God breaks into our circumstances with an event that gathers some loose ends of your life and knots them together in his hands.” (Mike Breen)  These events, if we pause long enough to take notice, are opportunities for us to learn and grow.  We believe in a God that speaks personally to each on of us.  If we learn to hear his voice and understand when he’s speaking through our kairos moments in life, we experience growth towards Him.  This teaching series sets us up for a year of recognizing what God is doing in our lives and being challenged to grow.Next up – Jesus!  Our next teaching series is on the person of Jesus.  We’ll dig into the Word and discover in the gospels who Jesus is, how he lived, what his relationship to the Father was like as a human, what his relationship with the Holy Spirit was like, what it means to imitate Him as the disciples imitated their rabbi.  Christians are, by definition, Jesus followers.  Do we know what we are signing up for to really follow and imitate the life of Jesus?! DOWNLOADS/files/images/Students/Converge/jr high/jr high registration copy.png/files/images/Students/Converge/sr high/high school registration.pngNew Opportunity!   HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS: Have you ever wanted to get together with other parents and talk about parenting teenagers? Other parents have suggested getting together in coffee shops while your kids are in House Groups. If you are interested in doing this, please contact Phil Mather at or 651-797-7870.  Once they see who’s interested, they’ll start getting this new thing started!


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