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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T23:02:34

Building a foundation of faith, knowledge, truth, and wisdom. 

Office: 651.797.7900 

Brenda Gilje - 4th Grade
North Heights Christian Academy

Being a PeacemakerAs you know, our theme for the school year is “Unite!” and pur spiritual focus this year is learning to be peacemakers.  This week we are launching a conflict resolution program based on biblical principles for children called The Young Peacemaker, Corlette Sande.  Through the program, your child will learn that repentance, confession, and forgiveness are the heartbeat of conflict resolution.  You child will discover biblical answers to questions like:• What is at the heart of conflict?• Is it possible to honor God by my response to conflict?• How can I take responsibility for my contribution to a conflict?• How can I go and talk to someone if we are in a fight?• How can we become friends again if there is a wall between us?The natural tendency in conflict is to either run away from the problem or attack their opponent physically or verbally.  When children  respond to conflict by escaping or attacking, they become more angry, more bitter, and more convinced their position is right, even if it isn’t.  The opposite is true as well.  When children learn to view conflict as an opportunity to bring glory to the Lord and decide to handle their problems responsibly, anger and bitterness dissipate and true conflict resolution can occur.  Even if an opponent doesn’t cooperate, the child who chooses to repent, confess, and forgive can be confident that he or she has been faithful to the Lord and obedient to his will.  This is success in God’s eyes.Throughout the school year, you will continue to get updates on what we are learning.  We are hoping that you will review these principles with your children and apply them at home as well.  In fact, if you are interested in learning more, they have also published a book called Peacemaking for Families, by Ken Sande.We pray that you and your child will know the blessing that comes from being a peacemaker! Peek at the Week - November 29 - December 3, 2010Peek at the Week - November 15-20, 2010Peek at the Week - November 8-12, 2010Peek at the Week - October 18-29, 2010

© North Heights Christian Academy - A Ministry of North Heights Lutheran Church  

2701 North Rice Street, Roseville, MN 55113