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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T20:19:28

North Heights Lutheran Church


A Glimpse inside a First Communion Classxml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /

By Mindy Bak

Weaving one strand of braided dough over the other, inexperienced hands labored beside the proficient hands of parents, grandparents, and godparents. Today’s First Communion classes at xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” /North Heights are hands-on, Spirit-filled moments.

 “Why is Communion Holy?” asked the teacher, reviewing the first of the two-session class. “Because Jesus set us apart with this meal,” answered one seventh-grader. “Because it sets the church apart from the world,” recalled a parent. “Because Jesus set apart this class for us,” a fourth-grader added, smiling at the aunt who had brought her.

It is a class for aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, grandparents and grandchildren, parents and their various aged children; a class where students connect to their adult’s faith-journey, asking, “What do you remember about your First Communion?” It’s a class where adults get to re-connect with their child’s faith walk, having permission to ask, “How will you prepare your heart to receive Jesus?”

 North Heights’ Communion Class not only readies children to receive communion, but readies hearts and homes to receive Jesus. It’s serious, faith-building fun. It’s the Bread of Life for every-day-life, evident as families parted, juggling the hot from the oven, golden-loaves in their hands. Getting in their cars, an irresistible aroma filled the air and families couldn’t keep from nibbling; and, couldn’t keep from talking about the ways in which Christ had so freshly woven Himself into their lives.

 Come and see what Jesus has for you and that special person in your life; this two-session Communion Class serves piping-hot food for the Spirit.

Care and Support

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