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Confirmation at North Heights

Confirmation is offered starting in 9th grade, extending through 12th grade for students who aren’t ready to confirm their relationship with Jesus in 9th grade.

Confirmation is woven in and through our whole Student Ministry, rather than being a separate class or program.  What you will find at North Heights is a strong emphasis on a student’s relationship with God.  That is our 1st priority and love – getting students connected to the heart of the Father, in addition to teaching theology and doctrine.  God is moving mightily in our student ministry!  We love seeing students develop a deep hunger for the Word, a hunger for the Lord’s presence in worship, true life transformation and becoming more like Jesus.

Our confirmation curriculum is taught during our Wednesday night Large Groups and then processed in the context of their small group to go beyond just learning information to really living out their faith in their daily lives.  Students attendance for both Converge Large Groups and small groups are necessary for Confirmation so they have both components of teaching and processing how these principals can be truly lived out.  Other requirements include being baptized, completing a Statement of Faith during the year they wish to be confirmed, giving their testimony during our Night of Testimonies, and attendance at the Confirmation Sunday service. 

Our Wednesday Night teaching topics vary from year to year.  We value giving students a well-rounded understanding of who God is, teaching on topics important for teenagers specifically, and hearing from the Lord on what’s on His heart for students this year.


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