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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T16:38:33

North Heights Lutheran Church


NHLC Council of Elders Meeting

Council Minutes from July 20, 2010

(These minutes were approved by the council on August 17, 2010.)

Those in attendance:

Pr. Mark and all elders except Keith Oelschlager were present at the meeting.


Invited Guests:

Jean Bearden, Pr. Marcus Haug, Tom Ahonen- Chairman of the Call Committee- (present for Pr. Mark’s report and to up-date the council on Call Committee progress) and Joyce Hardwick- scribe.


Devotional and Prayer:

Rob opened the meeting with prayer.  Various council members lifted the church’s finances and requests for healing.  They prayed against all of the enemy’s darkness and evil plans.  God’s blessings were asked on all the people of NH at both campuses, for a covering over all the NH staff and volunteers, for Pr. Mark and his family and for council members and families. They prayed that repentance and holiness would be a part of every member’s life.

Tom read a devotional from Christian History about God’s sovereignty and a time of unity among people from different denominations and backgrounds that followed a revival in Germany many years ago.


Agenda and minutes review and approval:

Both the agenda and the minutes from June 15, 2010 were approved as written.


Report from the Prophetic Roundtable (PRT):

Rhonda had previously sent the prophetic words approved by the PRT to the council members for their prayerful discernment.  One prophetic message had been received very recently and had not been officially approved by the PRT.  Rhonda will check with PRT members to make sure of their approval.  Following that the message will be published.  The council agrees with the recommendations made by the PRT.


Ministries report from Jean: “First to Know”:

•  Laura Houle has been hired as a Productions Assistant (to work with Mark and Leah Williams) for a one month trial period to replace Liz Furst who has moved to Alabama.  After one month it will be determined by both sides if this is the right fit.

•  The Leadership team had a productive discussion regarding the five-fold ministry and will bring that discussion to the council at a later date.

•  The discussion of who is given the title of Pastor at NH was put on hold for the present.  The pastors will continue discussing this.

•  The theme for Rally Day on Sept. 12 will be “Connect Four.”  The focus will be on new ways of connecting with each other and with the larger NH community.  There is also discussion of possibly implementing an idea used at FH in which people host a dinner for eight and then people sign up to come.

•  There will be a barbecue on the AH plaza on July 26 for NH leaders.  How the church can take the next steps in creating a discipleship culture will be presented.

•  Pr. Mark also encouraged all council members to take a day away for repentance by August 1.  It is important for the leaders to do this before asking the rest of the membership to do the same.

•  On August 11 the CSP (council, staff, pastors) will gather from 7 to 9 p.m.  Notes taken during the day of repentance will be shared to see if there are common threads and to listen to what God is saying.  Then the question of whether this is something for the whole congregation to experience this fall will be considered.

Financial Review:

•  Marcus distributed a summary of income and expenses for the period ending June 30, 2010.  He and the auditors are at work on the annual audit.  The auditors will be meeting with the Finance Committee and also with the council at the August 17th meeting.

•  Marcus and Pr. Mark announced that a writer has been hired to write the Easter production.  Mark and Leah Williams are working on the Christmas production.

•  A motion was made to authorize Marcus to enter into and manage the merchant accounts for North Heights.  This was seconded and passed unanimously.

Old Business:

Rob distributed “Freed to Serve” pledge cards and encouraged all council members to participate.  Money sent to “Freed to Serve” will go toward debt reduction, repair of facilities and missions/outreach.  Money designated Debt Reduction will go only to reduce the debt.

Interim Senior Pastor’s Report:

Mark gave a brief background on 3D Ministry.  Several in leadership at NH have already attended a “Taster” and Jo Saxon, Paul Sorenson and Steve Cockram- 3D leaders- have spoken at NH.  3D Ministry is already being integrated at North Heights. We have been working with “huddles” (a 3D plan for developing character and skill in leaders) and now have about 17 active huddles. Our Youth and Student ministries have been participating in “Communities” of leaders from other churches who are part of 3D Ministries.  Mark distributed more detailed information and explained the way 3D techniques would work their way into the systems at NH over a period of time.

There was discussion and questions were asked and answered.

Another Taster is scheduled for August 24- 26 and both council members and call committee members are encouraged to attend.  A Taster will be held at NH in March, 2011.

Mark’s and the staff leadership team’s recommendation: That North Heights partner with 3D Ministries as a “Transformational” church.  (This would affirm the direction we’re already going.) A motion was made that NH partner with 3D Ministries as a Transformational church.  This was seconded and passed unanimously.

New Business:

•  Senior Pastor Call Committee Status Report:

Tom Ahonen reported briefly on the Call Committee’s process of considering 40 or more pastors.  Subgroups in the committee focus on small numbers of candidates, communicate with them, listen to their sermons and report back to the full committee.  In this way possible candidates are eliminated when they do not meet criteria or do not have North Heights’ DNA.  Four first-time interviews have been held; one more is scheduled. 

During August Tom will ask the committee to meet twice a week rather than once. Second and third interviews will be scheduled with prime candidates.

It is hoped that a name will be presented to the council for its approval sometime this fall- or sooner if God leads in that direction.

•  Pr. Mark’s employment schedule was discussed.

•  Margo Hutchison’s council service will be recognized.


Mark Zimmerman closed the meeting in prayer.

A motion was made to adjourn.


Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Hardwick



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