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Building a foundation of faith, knowledge, truth, and wisdom. 

Office: 651.797.7900 

North Heights Christian Academy School Board

Current School Board Members

Chairman - Beth McMillan Dan Halvorson Deb Helseth Steve Pheneger
Joe Rickenbach Vicky Sibbet Barb Zeller

The School Board is responsible for establishing the policies of the school. The board, with the principal, plans the school program, supervises the curriculum, staffs the school, oversees the finances, and maintains good relationships between North Heights Lutheran Church (NHLC), the school, and school families. The board is directly accountable to the North Heights Lutheran Church Council (the council).

ADDRESSING THE SCHOOL BOARD – The board meets the 4th Tuesday of each month. Meeting dates will be posted in the Newsnote. If you would like to address the board during the open forum with a comment or concern, please leave a message for the board chairman or principal in the school office. The first portion of each meeting will be set aside for such addresses. Each person addressing the board will have two minutes to state the concern.

SCHOOL BOARD MINUTES – School Board meeting minutes, from the previous month’s meeting, will be available in the school office.

SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERSHIP – Only members of North Heights Lutheran Church may serve on the School Board. The board is comprised of two or three parents of current NHCA students, two or three members without children attending NHCA, and one representative from the NHLC church council. The principal and the Director of Spiritual Growth are ex officio members, and have no vote.

The term of office for all voting members (does not include the council representative and pastor representative) shall be two years. A board member may serve no more than two consecutive terms. A board member may be appointed once again, but only after one year off the board. The term of the council representative continues at the discretion of the council, except that it shall not exceed the end of the council term. Terms of office begin on June 1. Parent representatives whose children are terminated from enrollment will vacate their membership on the board. The council will appoint a replacement to complete the term.

The process of becoming a board member begins with the formation of a nomination committee by the council representative and the board chairman. Suggested candidates, from the nomination committee, are submitted to the council for approval. The council then appoints the board members. No NHCA staff or staff member’s spouse (other than the supporting pastor) will be a member of the board. Parent representatives must have had their children at NHCA for a minimum of one school year prior to membership on the board as well as having a child currently enrolled at NHCA. An attempt will be made to have at least one board member with a background in education.

© North Heights Christian Academy - A Ministry of North Heights Lutheran Church  

2701 North Rice Street, Roseville, MN 55113