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North Heights Lutheran Church


Benevolence Ministries

Serving others in Christ’s name through the gifts and passions of our members and the benevolent giving of our time and resources.

The following organizations are currently in partnership with North Heights through our Benevolence funding.  More detailed information about these ministries can be found on their web sites.

Alpha USA/Twin Cities – Alpha is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting. The Alpha course begins with a meal and an amazing one-day or weekend getaway that comes halfway through the 10-week course.  Sign up today for Alpha at North Heights!

Breaking Free - Breaking Free was established in October 1996, by Vednita Carter Founder and Executive Director as a non-profit organization serving women and girls involved in systems of abuse, exploitation, and prostitution/sex-trafficking.

CURE Ministries – CURE Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational organization that is dedicated to helping meet the physical and spiritual needs of underprivileged people. Cure hosts Monday and Thursday night meals, a food shelf, and a Life Skills Resource Center.

Dwelling Place – The Dwelling Place is a Christian domestic abuse organization dedicated to bringing hope and healing to victims of domestic abuse.

ECHO – ECHO is a non-profit organization whose vision is “to bring glory to God and a blessing to mankind by using science and technology to help the poor.”

Feed My Starving Children - Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s starving children hungry in body and spirit.

Hospitality House Youth Directions - Hospitality House Youth Directions, Inc. (HHYD) is committed to developing responsible urban youth, ages 5-18, in their physical and intellectual development, their social integration and their spiritual birth and growth in Jesus Christ.

Love INC – A movement of Christian churches working together to show God’s love to the poor and needy.

LoveLines Inc. - LoveLines is a 24 hour telephone and internet counseling center staffed by caring Christian counselors who are here to help!

Mzizi International Church - We are a non-denominational church open to all people who want to know, grow, share and impact the world for Christ. We desire to bring together a community of people from different nations to worship and grow together in Christ.

New Life Family Services – New Life Family Services exists to honor the sanctity of life by assisting clients with life-affirming decisions with the love and compassion of Christ.

Outpost Ministries - Outpost Ministries exists to help the sexually and relationally broken find healing and restoration through relationship with Jesus Christ.

Teen Challenge - For more than 25 years, Minnesota Teen Challenge has been restoring hope to teens and adults struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.

Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities - Union Gospel Mission is a Christian ministry dedicated to serving the homeless, poor, and addicted in our community. By meeting physical, spiritual, emotional, and educational needs, our Mission is changing lives!

Urban Homeworks Inc. - The mission of Urban Homeworks is to perpetuate the hope of Jesus Christ through innovative community development that produces dignified housing for low income families, a strategic network of good neighbors and the redemptive development of real estate.

Other supported organizations: (supported by the Missions Department)

Hospitality Center for Chinese – HCC is Hospitality Center for Chinese a community of Chinese and American people who desire to serve each other and exchange culture, faith, and friendship.

Emmanuel Ministries - Emmanuel Ministries in located in Juarez, Mexico and reaches out to Mexican children who come from disadvantaged situations.

Strategic Ministry Partners

The Alliance of Renewal Churches - Creating an alliance of like-minded leaders and churches who are fostering authentic relationships to aggressively advance the kingdom of God.

The Masters Institute - equips the heart, head and hands of servant leaders to boldly do Kingdom ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit through spiritual and character formation, Biblical teaching and leadership training.

Lutheran Renewal
• calls people to a believing use of the Holy Scripture, the infallible Word of God.
• encourages believers in the Lord Jesus to live in dependence upon the Holy Spirit.
• helps people to be filled with the Holy Spirit in answer to prayer and to use the Spirit’s gifts to strengthen the church.
• challenges individuals and congregations to fulfill their mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit.
• invites people to Spirit-inspired worship in response to God’s grace in Christ.
• is a parachurch organization that networks within the Lutheran family, to the greater Body of Christ, and to all who value the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. We do not formally associate or ascribe to the tenets of any specific branch or synod of Lutheranism.


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