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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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North Heights Lutheran Church


Guatemala 2011

Where: We will be going to San Andres, Guatemala.xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /


When: August 3-13, 2011


 Training Dates and times will be as follows:

Feb. 26   9:00am-1:00pm

Mar. 26   9:00am-1:00pm

April 15-17         Retreat

May 21   9:00am-1:00pm

June 18   9:00am-1:00pm

July 23    9:00am-1:00pm


What: This is a medical trip as well as a trip to minister to the children of Home of Life.


Who:  We will be bringing Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, and people who love kids!!

Team leaders are Todd Riggs and Kim Sollie.


Cost: The total cost of the trip will be approximately $2000 and is subject to change depending on travel expenses.  Cost will cover training and includes: meals, transportation, and lodging while in country.  Any souvenirs or extra snacks and water will be purchased by individual team members.


Next Steps:

o    Fill out and turn in attached application along with your $200 deposit.  Applications are due by January 30th.  All applications will be reviewed after the deadline and you will be informed of your status by February 7.

         (Application and deposit must be received before you can be accepted on the team.)

o    Tear off Recommendation Form from the back of the application and give to someone to fill out.  (Let this person know that they are responsible for getting this form back to us.)

Once approved for the trip:

·         Apply for a passport immediately if you don’t already have one. (Passports need to be renewed if it expires within six months of our return.)

·         Talk to Doctor about recommended vaccinations.


 Contact: If you have any questions regarding the trip you may call Kim Sollie at 651-797-7921



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