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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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North Heights Lutheran Church


What is the Clothing Closet?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /

                The clothing closet takes donated clothing and gets it into the hands of people in need.


Who can get clothing?/files/images/Outreach/clothing-closet-logo.jpg

A referral is needed to get clothing.  If you would like to get a referral to the clothing closet you can call Love INC at 651-633-4194.  They are open Mondays and Thursdays from noon – 4:00pm. 

How can I donate clothing?

Donations are currently being accepted at both North Heights locations (Arden Hills Door B and Roseville Church Building).  We are currently in need of infant through teen clothing as well as coats, boots, hats, etc…

Can I volunteer at the Clothing Closet?

Yes!  Volunteers are needed to pick-up donations and bring them to the Clothing Closet, to sort clothes, to take unacceptable donations to the Goodwill, and to help people pick out clothing during open hours.  We are also looking for a volunteer Communications Coordinator that can help coordinate volunteers and answer some basic questions about donating and when we are open.  You can email Kim Sollie or call 651-797-7921 if you are interested in volunteering. 

When is the Clothing Closet open?

The clothing closet hopes to be open on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month from 10:00am – 12:30pm.  Exceptions will be made for Holidays and bad weather situations and is always dependent on volunteer availability.  Currently planned closures in 2011 are :

April 23 – Easter Weekend
May 28 – Memorial Day Weekend
November 26 – Thanksgiving Weekend
December 24 – Christmas Weekend

Where is the Clothing Closet located?

2700 Rice Street

Roseville, MN  55113

Park by the garage and follow the sign to the back entrance.


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