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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2009-07-03T21:46:11

| | | | — | | | North Heights Lutheran Church | | | TNT | Readiness Crisis Bundle | | — | — | | | — | — | — | | | | | | | — | — | — | | | | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | | Home About Us An Ephesians 4 Church New Members Contact Us Council of Elders Pastors Ministry and Staff Directory Directions What We Believe We Care About You Ministries Adults TNT Alpha Alpha Old-time Picnic Alpha Contacts Next Steps Serve in Alpha Testimonies Schedule Spiritual Fitness Christ Life Fitness Welcome Leadership Contact Us Serve With Us Alpha S.H.A.P.E. Course Schedule S.H.A.P.E. Assessment eFusion Sunday Bible Studies Cleansing Stream Crown Financial Other Opportunities Baptism in the Holy Spirit Tuesday Evening Studies Friday Morning Bible Studies Sunday Morning Bible Studies eCommunity e4Community Growth Groups Resources Spirit Riders Get Connected Marriage & Family Family Ministry Parenting Single Parents Ministry Adopted Family Ministry Blended Family Support Group Events Marriage Ministry Marriage Enrichment Couples by Candlelight Small Groups Special Events Weddings Marriage & Family Counseling Links Men Experience Empower Equip Engage New Events Seniors Singles 30s, and 40s Events 50+ Singles Women Bible Studies Book Clubs Classes Dwelling Place Events First Saturday Mother’s Fellowship & Children’s Program Prayer Ministries Pregnancy Loss Ministry Pro-Life Ministries Summer Offerings Support Groups WebWomen Connect Wednesday Worship & Word Women’s Outreach New Members Bible Studies Children Contact Information School Year Ministries Kingdom Kids Nursery Native American Ministry Puppets inC. Saturday Kids’ Church Sunday Mornings Summer Ministries Special Needs Calendar and Events Main Calendar Childrens Ministry Video Story Children’s Ministries Mission and Values Other Offerings for Children Children’s Ministries Volunteer Opportunities Programs for Children Fall Newsletter Community Care Baptism Boomers & Beyond First Communion Counseling Clinic Freedom Finders Grief Support Group DivorceCare Healing Military Support Church Military Family Pray For Our Military Prayer Prayer Opportunities Pray for the Cure Visitation Special Needs - Adults Financial Mentors Needed Music, Worship & Arts We the People: A Freedom Celebration Dance Celebrate Dance Academy Celebrate 2008-09 Schedule Celebrate 2008-09 registration form Music Worship Him Music Academy Outreach Events Bless Israel Live It Out Local Outreach Mission Trips Supported Workers Volunteer Productions We The People Dates & Rates Join The Cast Join The Crew Info & Photos The Christmas Window Dates & Rates Info and Photos Join The Cast Join The Crew Testimonies The Thorn Dates & Rates Info & Photos Join The Crew Join The Cast Testimonies Prophetic Round Table Young Adults elements Youth Volunteer Schools NeHi Christian Preschool & Childcare North Heights Christian Academy NHCA Student Art Show April 24 Benevolent Ministries Registration Alpha Course Registration New Members Seminar S.H.A.P.E. Registration Alpha Leader Training Registration Alpha Next Steps Bible Studies Registration What’s Your Desire? Resources Bookstores Events and Catering Publications Tickets Gospel Concert Series Sing! March 8th 2009 Library Giving Charitable Trust Electronic Giving Gift Annuity Offering Envelopes Online Giving Stock Gifts Wills Gift From An IRA Worship With Us Roseville Sanctuary River of God Arden Hills Sanctuary The Heights | Login | Go | | — | — | — | | | | | | | | — | — | — | | | | | | An Ephesians 4 Church | | | — | — | — | — | — | | — | — | — | — | — | | An Ephesians 4:11 Church   It was He (Jesus) who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13).   For most of us, the word “minister” conjures up a particular image. “Ministers” we suppose are pastors, preachers, priests, parsons – professionals! That’s certainly what tradition tells us. For most of the last 1700 years vocation has been the Christian definition of the word. Clergy minister; laity (the rest of us) watch.   But this tradition is not the plan of God. In the early church every Christian was a minister. Church leaders, including those who earned their keep working with the church, were not considered sacred and separate. They served as coaches and teachers, preparing, deploying, and supporting all members in the Body of Christ to find their place in ministering in God’s Kingdom. Everyone had a role, and leaders were charged to make sure the process of training and preparation worked.   This is still God’s intention. After centuries of misdirection, the Church ship is being righted. North Heights is a spearhead in this vision. God has called us to be an “Ephesians 4:11” church (Ephesians 4:11 is the passage in the New Testament where this understanding is most clearly articulated). Everyone who calls North Heights their spiritual home is in the process of being reconciled to their destiny, discovering their gifts and calling, and finding a profitable place to minister. In this ship it’s “all hands on deck!”   Of course North Heights still has pastors and other leaders who exercise Biblical authority. But their roles are primarily supportive. The real spearheads in this church are the thousands of individuals who apply the grace of God out in the communities and neighborhoods and schools and businesses where they live their everyday lives.   At North Heights you will not find any “figureheads” or “top dog” leaders among our staff. This is intentional. Our objective is to serve, lifting up and supporting the thousands of individuals who are North Heights. At North Heights we don’t “come to church.” We are the Church.   How is this accomplished?  We articulate the process as our “6 G’s”   * Grace – At North Heights we believe God’s love covers all. We believe God is holy and sovereign and that he expresses this through unmerited favor on our lives. It is our goal that everyone at North Heights experience this love and grace. * Growth – Once we know God’s love, we strive together to grow in this grace, learning and reaching for our full potential as believers. * Gifts – Through the goodness and power of the Holy Spirit, all believers are given spiritual gifts and passions they can use to faithfully serve Jesus. At North Heights we are committee to help people experience the power of the Spirit and discover his gifts. * Going – Once we know Jesus and are walking in his power and gifts, we are called to invade the world with his grace. As Jesus’ followers we are commissioned to give away his treasure. We do this by going across the world and across the street to share and demonstrate the love and knowledge of God. * Groups – We are a big church made up of many small parts. We believe that in order for individuals to reach their destiny they need to be part of a team that is small and personal. We have many opportunities to be part of small groups. * Giving – Freely we receive God’s grace, freely we give it away. Those who make up North Heights give of their time, energy, and financial resources. It’s a simple principle in God’s kingdom that we only get to keep what we give away. God has planted many wonderful churches in this city. North Heights is one with a particular history and a distinct calling: Our mission is to be the church. We seek to release people in the power of the Spirit to fulfill their destiny. If God is calling you to an adventure, to fulfill a sense of purpose and to be more than a spectator, then perhaps North Heights is a place for you. We invite you to come and explore who we are and what we’re about. As you do, you’ll discover the goodness and grace of God. | | — | | Print | | — | — | | | | | | | | ©2009 North Heights Lutheran Church = 651.797.7800 | | — | | | | | | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |