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“Now may theLord of peace himself

      give you peace

                 at alltimes in every way.”II Thessalonians 2:16

It is our desire as the Community Care Staff at North Heights Lutheran Church to support and assist you during this time of loss and grief.  We as pastors and support staff are available to assist you in the planning of a funeral or memorial service to celebrate the life of your loved one who has died.   We want to support you with prayer and personal contact during the dying process of a loved one, during the planning stage of the funeral and also afterwards when you are working through your grief and the adjustment of life without your loved one.   The Community Care Staff will assist you in planning the funeral service and will work in cooperation with the funeral home in making all burial or cremation arrangements.   p****lanning the funeral service  It is our desire to assist you in planning a funeral service that is a time of healing as well as a time of grieving your loss.  It should be a time to celebrate the life of the deceased and honor what they have meant to each person in their life.  The service should also be a time to celebrate the new life they have in the presence of Jesus through His death and resurrection.   The following are practical considerations in planning the funeral service. It is our desire that your concerns and questions will be answered.   c****ontacting the church When a death occurs or there is a pending death please call  North Heights to inform us of the death and your wishes to have a funeral service at the church or mortuary.  You can contact the church by calling 651-631-2299 and ask to speak to someone in the Community Care Department concerning a death or funeral.  If you have a specific pastor that you want to officiate at the funeral, please indicate your desire and the pastor will be contacted. The funeral coordinator is Sherry Cady.  Her telephone number is 651-582-3751.  She will be the contact person in planning the funeral.  During the planning process she will also be available by  pager at 612-526-7344.  When the pager beeps enter your telephone number on a touch tone phone and she will return your call.   If a death occurs after office hours or on a weekend, you may contact the Community Care Staff by calling the emergency number  651-646-4393.   s****cheduling the date, time and location of the funeral Funerals can be scheduled at either the Roseville or Arden Hills locations (Sanctuary or Chapel) depending on space availability.  The usual schedule is to have a time of visitation one hour before the service, the service followed by the burial.  The church is also available for a luncheon before or after the burial.  There is no fee for a funeral at North Heights.   p****lanning the service The pastor and/or funeral coordinator willassist you in planning the service.  Below is a basic order of service.  The service is planned so that family and friends can participate in honoring and remembering the deceased.  The number of scripture readings, solos, and congregational songs will be decided in consultation with the officiating pastor who will consider the desires of the family.   Suggested Order of Service Prelude Processional Opening prayer Scripture reading Solo or congregational hymn Time of remembrance (eulogy, family tribute and sharing) Solo, worship songs or hymn Message The Lord’s Prayer Benediction Recessional Postlude   Suggested Scriptures for a Funeral Psalms                       Old Testament Psalm 23                              Job 19:23-27a Psalm 46                              Isaiah 40:28-31 Psalm 84                              Lamentations 3:21-26, 31-32 Psalm 90                              Ecclesiastics 3:1-8 Psalm 103 Psalm 121   Gospels                     New Testament Readings  Matthew 11:25-30              Romans 5:1-11 Matthew 25:1-13                Romans 5:17-21 John 5:24-29                     Romans 8:31-35, 37-39 John 6:35-40                     Romans 14: 7-9 John 11:25-27                   I Corinthians 15:12-26 John 12:23-26                   I Corinthians 15:51-57 John 14:1-6                       Philippians 3:20-21 I John 3:1-2                       Revelations 7:9-17                                         Revelations 21:1-7                                         Revelations 22: 12-17, 20-21                                         I Thessalonians 4:13-18                                         I Peter 1:3-9   Suggested Hymns Abide With Me All Hail the Power of Jesus Name Amazing Grace A Mighty Fortress Beautiful Savior Blessed Assurance Children of the Heavenly Father How Great Thou Art Great is Thy Faithfulness He Leadeth Me Holy, Holy, Holy I Know That My Redeemer Lives I Need Thee Every Hour Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise In the Garden It is Well With My Soul Love Divine, All Loves Excelling My Hope is Built on Nothing Less Nearer My God To Thee O God, Our Help in Ages Past Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want Thine Is the Glory, Risen Conquering Son The Old Rugged Cross What A Friend We Have In Jesus When Morning Guilds the Skies   Suggested Scripture Songs A Shield About Me Abba Father As the Deer Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty Come into the King’s Chamber Exalt the Lord Our God Give Thanks Glorify Thy Name He is Exalted I Exalt Thee In Moments Like These Jesus, We Enthrone You Lift Up Your Heads to the Coming King Magnify the Lord and Sing More and More O Lord, You’re Beautiful On Eagle’s Wings Open My Eyes Lord Shine Jesus Shine Take My Life and Let It Be When I Look into Your Holiness Worthy, You are Worthy   s****ervice bulletin The church can prepare a bulletin for the funeral providing sufficient time is available before the service. The bulletin will contain the order of service, the words to the songs that the congregation will sing and any of the following that the family want to include:  place of burial, list of pallbearers, invitation to join the family for lunch after the funeral, a short life story of the deceased, or a poem or scripture that was special to the deceased. Please email bulletin information to Sherry Cady at as soon as possible. If you need to fax information for the bulletin to the church, the fax number is 651-484-8636.   m****emorials If you would like a portion of memorial money received to be designated to North Heights, please talk to the pastor in regard to your desired designations or for suggestions as where to designate the funds.   m****usic North Heights can provide an organist and soloist at the family’s request or you may use family or friends of your choose to be part of the service. If you request an organist or soloist from North Heights, an honorarium should be paid to them. This can be taken care of through the funeral home or by the family. Checks should be made out to the individual people. For more details contact the funeral coordinator.   a****udio tape The funeral service will be audio taped and the tape given to the family.   l****uncheon At the family’s request, the food service department at North Heights will provide a luncheon after the funeral or burial. The choices for the luncheon are lasagna, hot dish or chicken filet with a vegetable. All the meals include tossed salad, rolls, cake and coffee. You may choose which meal you would like served. There may be exceptions to your having a choice when there is not enough time to order your specific request. We request that all food be provided by the North Heights Food Service Department only. If friends offer to provide food for the luncheon, please suggest that it be brought to your home for use in the days following the funeral. In order to have enough food available for the luncheon we need to know the number of people you estimate will attend the luncheon. Any left over food is yours to take home. Please designate someone responsible for getting the food promptly refrigerated. The cost for the luncheon is $4.00/person for the number of people you estimate will attend the luncheon.  If the cost presents a problem please talk with the pastor or funeral coordinator. A check should be made out to North Heights Lutheran Church and given to the funeral coordinator. At Arden Hills the luncheon will be served in the Great Hall and at Roseville in the dining room of the Community Center.   d****ay of the service On the day of the funeral or memorial service, the funeral coordinator will be at the church when the funeral home director arrives to set up for the service. The coordinator will assist the funeral directors and the family in setting up for the visitation and the funeral. She will be available to assist you in any way that she can.   s****et up   Roseville The casket will be set up in the front of the Sanctuary with the flowers in the same area. The guest book will be on a podium in the Narthex (entry way outside the Sanctuary). There will also be a small table for bulletins, memorial gift envelopes and a basket for cards. If you have pictures to display they will be put in the Narthex. We have easels available to display pictures.   The Fireside Room is set aside for the family. There will be coffee and water available for the family during the visitation. The family will meet with the pastor prior to the service in the Fireside Room and then enter the Sanctuary together in procession.   Arden Hills Sanctuary The casket will be set up to the right of the altar area in the Sanctuary with the flowers in the same area.  The guest book will be on a podium in the entry area of the church before entering the Sanctuary. There will also be a table for bulletins, memorial gift envelopes and a basket for cards. If you have pictures to display they will be put in this area. We have easels available to display pictures.   An area of the Centrum will be set aside for the family. Coffee and water will be available for the family during the visitation. The family will meet with the pastor prior to the service in the Centrum and enter the Sanctuary together in procession.   Arden Hills Chapel The casket will be set up in front of the altar area with the flowers in the same area.  The guest book stand and table for bulletins, memorial gifts envelopes and a basket for cards will be in the entry area outside the Chapel. If you have pictures to display they will be put in the same area. Easels are available to display pictures.   An area of the Chapel Overflow or a designated room will be set aside for the family. Coffee and water will be available for the family during the visitation. The family will meet with the pastor prior to the service in this area and enter the Chapel together in procession.   g****rief and loss  Now that the planning and the funeral are over, the task of adjusting to the loss and living each day without your loved one begins.  The Community Care Staff  wants to walk with you through this process.  We are available to talk with you and listen when you need to talk.   Remember that grief is a process and you will experience many different feelings and emotions during this time.  Every area of life is impacted by the grief experience.  We encourage you to attend the North Heights Grief Support Group which meets the 1st and 3rd Monday at Arden Hills.  For more information call the receptionist at Arden Hills at 651-631-2299.  Through the support group you will gain insight into the grieving process and gain support from others who are experiencing the same adjustment to the loss of a loved one.   Maranatha Bookstore at our Roseville campus has many helpful books on death and grief. The church library also has a section of books on death and grief.   Below is a list of books available in the library for children that have experienced the death of someone close to them.       What Happens When Grandma Died by Peggy Barker      What Happens When We Die? by Carolyn Nystrom      Emma Says Goodbye (A Child’s Guide - Bereavement)                        by Carolyn Nystrom      It Must Hurt A Lot by Doris Sandford      Jason’s Orchard (When a Loved One Has Died)             by Walter Madden      Someday Heaven by Larry Libby