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Archive Datetime: 2010-02-04T05:25:21

| | | | — | | | North Heights Lutheran Church | | | Couples by Candlelight | Outreach | | — | — | | | — | — | — | | | | | | | — | — | — | | | | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | | Home About Us Call Committee Transition News What We Believe North Heights’ Vision and Mission The “DNA” of North Heights Lutheran Church How Does North Heights Approach the Scriptures? The Practice of Baptism at North Heights The Work of the Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts The Alliance of Renewal Churches An Ephesians 4 Church New Members Contact Us Council of Elders Pastors Ministry and Staff Directory Directions We Care About You Council Minutes Ministries Adults Walk Thru the Bible TNT Alpha Alpha Old-time Picnic Alpha Contacts Next Steps Serve in Alpha Testimonies Schedule Spiritual Fitness Christ Life Fitness Welcome Leadership Contact Us Serve With Us Alpha S.H.A.P.E. Course Schedule S.H.A.P.E. Assessment eFusion Sunday Bible Studies Cleansing Stream Crown Financial Other Opportunities Baptism in the Holy Spirit Tuesday Evening Studies Friday Morning Bible Studies Sunday Morning Bible Studies eCommunity e4Community Growth Groups Resources Spirit Riders Get Connected Marriage & Family Family Ministry Parenting Parenting Conference Single Parents Ministry Adopted Family Ministry Blended Family Support Group Events Marriage Ministry Marriage Enrichment Couples by Candlelight Small Groups Special Events Weddings Marriage & Family Counseling Links Men Experience Empower Equip Engage New Events Seniors Singles 30s, and 40s Events 50+ Singles Women Bible Studies Book Clubs Dwelling Place Endeavor - 20’s Women First Saturday Living in Freedom Everyday Mother’s Fellowship & Children’s Program Prayer Ministries Pregnancy Loss Ministry Pro-Life Ministries WebWomen Connect Wednesday Worship & Word Women’s Outreach New Members Bible Studies Children Contact Information School Year Ministries Kingdom Kids Nursery Native American Ministry Puppets inC. Saturday Kids’ Church Sunday Mornings Summer Ministries Special Needs Calendar and Events Main Calendar Childrens Ministry Video Story Children’s Ministries Mission and Values Other Offerings for Children Children’s Ministries Volunteer Opportunities Programs for Children Fall Newsletter Community Care Baptism First Communion Counseling Clinic Freedom Finders Grief Support Group DivorceCare Healing Military Support Church Military Family Pray For Our Military Prayer Prayer Opportunities Pray for the Cure Visitation Special Needs - Adults Financial Mentors Needed Second Saturday: Monthly Mini-Retreat Music, Worship & Arts We the People: A Freedom Celebration Dance Celebrate! Dance Academy Celebrate! Family Dance Music Worship Him Music Academy Outreach Events Bless Israel Live It Out Local Outreach Mission Trips Supported Workers Volunteer Productions The Thorn Dates & Rates Info & Photos Cast/Crew Information Join The Crew Join The Cast Testimonies We The People Dates & Rates Join The Cast The Christmas Window 2009 Cast Join The Crew Info & Photos The Christmas Window Dates & Rates Info and Photos Join The Cast Join The Crew Testimonies Prophetic Round Table Young Adults elements I like Jesus But…. Youth Volunteer Schools NeHi Christian Preschool & Childcare North Heights Christian Academy Benevolent Ministries Registration Alpha Course Registration New Members Seminar S.H.A.P.E. Registration Alpha Leader Training Registration Alpha Next Steps Bible Studies Registration e4Community Registration What’s Your Desire? Resources Bookstore Event Hosting/Catering Services Publications Tickets Library Giving Charitable Trust Electronic Giving Gift Annuity Offering Envelopes Online Giving Stock Gifts Wills Gift From An IRA Worship With Us Weekend Services The Undivided | Login | Go | | — | — | — | | | | | | | | — | — | — | | | | | | The “DNA” of North Heights Lutheran Church | | | — | — | — | — | — | | — | — | — | — | — | | What kind of church is North Heights? What makes us unique? What is our “DNA”? As with every individual, there is a “genetic code” that determines who we are.  In humans, 99% is common to all other humans, but 1% determines unique attributes such as hair color, size of feet, even whether or not we’re prone to make puns.  Our DNA makes us human, yet forms us as distinctly as one snowflake is from ­another. At North Heights our “genetic code” is 99% common to all orthodox Christian churches. We are a typical Bible-believing, Spirit-led, outreach-centered congregation. Yet a small percentage of our essence makes us unique. In other documents such as our statement of faith we have articulated our relationship with classical Christian tradition. Here we want to outline some specific values that combine to give North Heights her distinct look and personality. We have three distinct strands. WE ARE LUTHERANNorth Heights began in the tradition of the Lutheran Free Church of Norway. Martin Luther sparked the Reformation by championing a return to simple, biblical Christianity. He called for, “faith alone, grace alone, word alone, Christ alone, ‘Glory to God’ alone.” We agree that God initiated and completed everything in himself. We believe that God reaches down to us through the delivery of his Word, the administration of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and through the expression of the spiritual gifts and so in this manner we receive them. You will hear the term “sacramental” used interchangeably with “Lutheran” for this reason. The influence of the Free Church is found in North Heights’ value of the autonomy of the local church as opposed to relying on a bishop or other church hierarchy for leadership, and the recognition that all Christians are ministers as opposed to a distinction between “clergy” and “laity.” This latter point is expressed specifically in North Heights’ mission to become an “Ephesians 4:11” church, one that equips every member for ministry. Our pastors, staff, and leaders “coach” everyone in the church to identify and prepare for their unique roles in ministry. In these ways we are distinct from some other Lutheran churches. We have also chosen simple, culturally relevant forms of worship as opposed to traditional liturgy. This Lutheran foundation forms a key component in our DNA. WE ARE EVANGELICALIn the early 1960s an evangelical stream started flowing into North Heights. Leaders at that time began placing great emphasis on the Bible, teaching its history and context and what it actually said. Many study groups formed so that people could explore for themselves what the Bible taught. As a result North Heights began to ask “What does the Bible say?” instead of simply “What have we always done?” In the same manner, North Heights emphasized the importance of one’s personal relationship with God through Jesus. We recognize that God’s grace is imparted through baptism and the Lord’s Supper, but also that individuals need to specifically respond to these initiatives of God. Finally, North Heights embraced the biblical priority to spread the “full” gospel throughout the neighborhood, the city, the region, the nation, and around the world. North Heights became a sending congregation that extends a demonstration of the Lordship of Jesus well beyond the borders of our immediate spheres of influence. These three elements—the Bible, personal salvation, and a commitment to transform the world—contributed an “evangelical strand” in the heart of North Heights. These remain vital parts of our church today.  WE ARE SPIRIT-FILLEDIn the late 1960s and early 1970s North Heights became a pioneer and leader in the Charismatic Renewal, a movement that revitalized churches all around the world. North Heights helped spread this flame across the Twin Cities, the nation, and the world and became a haven for many looking for a local church that would welcome and encourage the infilling and power of the Holy Spirit. This imparted three significant legacies to North Heights: First, North Heights grew into a church governed by the voice of the Holy Spirit. We learned to pray and then take time to listen to God’s specific direction. Practical decisions are based on gifts of spiritual wisdom, prophetic words, and corporate unity given by the Holy Spirit. Second, North Heights became a church empowered by the gifts of the Spirit—the “power tools” that release the Holy Spirit to use ordinary people to do Jesus’ ministry. Jesus articulates the essence of his ministry in Luke 4:  “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18–19. Jesus’ ministry included provision, pardon, healing, deliverance, and the favor of God. When the Spirit comes upon Jesus’ followers, we do the same, through the expression of spiritual gifts. Third, the Charismatic Renewal heightened North Heights’ commitment to personal and corporate holiness. Just as we are saved by grace, and empowered to do ministry by grace, so we are made holy by God’s grace. The “fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5) is as vital a work of the Holy Spirit as the “gifts of the Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12). The latter grants power for ministry. The former grants grace for development of character. These charismatic elements injected a dynamic power into North Heights and continue to highlight a core strand of our DNA. UNITY IN DIVERSITYNorth Heights is a Spirit-filled/Evangelical/Lutheran church. The synthesis of these elements in our church makes us a unique and complicated congregation. Add to this the fact that our DNA is expressed on two campuses, and through 100 distinct ministries, and it is little wonder people sometimes ask, “What kind of church is North Heights?” The answer: We desire to be “The Body at Work—Taking God’s Power to the World.” We are people who powerfully and intimately EXPERIENCE relationship with God, then EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit, become EQUIPPED for ministry, and ENGAGE the world with the love of the Triune God. God alone can birth, nurture, grow, prune, and bring to maturity a true expression of his Body on earth. Though we hold our “three strands” in balance, and each of our worship sites and ministries expresses our DNA in a unique way, the Holy Spirit creates a common unity in our church that cannot be naturally explained. Our DNA, brought about by God’s design, offers a specified building block, a distinctive personality for the work he has destined us to accomplish. | | — | | Print | | — | — | | | | | | | | ©2010 North Heights Lutheran Church = 651.797.7800 | | — | | | | | | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |