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FORM Internship

FORM is a powerful training opportunity that invests in your calling and your leadership.

Over the course of four months, you will learn and put into practice the core concepts of missional discipleship to equip you for a lifetime of following Jesus in your unique context.

Are you ready to hear from God in fresh ways? To be mentored as you serve alongside Apex leaders and staff? To experience transformation in authentic community? To be better equipped to love others and make disciples in a world that needs Jesus?

You are in the right place and we look forward to journeying alongside you!

Applications are currently closed.

The 4 Pillars ofFORM

  • Spiritual Formation

Be trained to live into your full identity in Christ. FORM allows you to discover who you are and whose you are so you can be confident in your calling. Covering topics including:

Repent and Believe (Circle)

The Heart

Root causes of Sin (3 A’s)

The Truths that will set you free (4Gs)


Hero’s Journey

The Practice of the Presence of God

Work and Rest (Semicircle)

The Great Commandment and Great Commission (Triangle)

The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness

Meditating on Scripture (Lectio Divina)

The Lord’s Prayer

The Celebration of Discipline

  • Leadership Development

Four months (October-January) of immersion in a discipling culture where you will engage with service, teaching, and training and participate in spiritual rhythms in community.

Invitation and Challenge

Landscapes of Life

Multiplication into Others (Square)

APEST Fivefold Ministry

Five Capitals

Spiritual Feudalism

  • Biblical Theology

Develop a firm grasp of the story of the Bible through different themes and discover how your story intersects with it.

The Trinity and Order

Heaven and Earth

What God Always Wanted (Temple)

The Image of God

The Story of the Bible

Covenant and Kingdom

  • Missional Training

Become missional where you live, work, and play to implement what you are learning. Gain the tools to live as a devoted Christ-follower.

Spiritual Conversations

Person of Peace

Discovery Bible Method

FORM Details and FAQs

 #### What is the time commitment?

The current semester of FORM is running October 1, 2022 to January 29, 2023. The summer session of FORM will go from May to August, 2023.

Breaks are scheduled for major holidays.

Regular Weekly Schedule

Participation during the Gathering on Sunday mornings

Twice-weekly meetings at the Apex building:

  • Saturdays from 10 am - 11:30 am
  • Thursdays from 6 pm - 8:30 pm

These meetings incorporate:

  • Teaching and training
  • Coaching huddles
  • Prayer

The FORM Experience also includes:

5-6 flexible hours served weekly including on Sunday mornings. This incorporates practical ministry experience in a specific area and service opportunities. These hours will coordinate with your staff team lead as you engage in mentoring, mission, and ministry together.

Other occasional activities and opportunties to build community and play as a team

What is the cost?

Currently, there is no cost for the FORM internship.

Am I too young/old to sign up?

No way! The only age requirement is being a high school graduate. There have been FORM participants from college-aged all the way up to retirees. The multigenerational aspect of FORM is one of the biggest benefits.

We have two sessions of FORM each year (fall & summer) to provide different schedule opportunties. Oftentimes, summer offers the most freedom for college students whereas others can have that same flexibility in the fall.

What is the teaching and training content?

FORM interns will be trained in the core DNA of the tools, language, theology and philosophy of missional discipleship that are deeply rooted in the Word of God and shared across the globe. Our goal is to imitate the life of Jesus as we contextualize the gospel in all of life in an increasingly post-Christian culture.

Who oversees the FORM participants?

Chad Osborne heads up the program along with other members of staff and those who have previously participated in FORM who help train and disciple participants. Teaching and training involves leaders from both within and outside Apex, who contribute formally and informally.

What are the goals of FORM?

For each participant to learn, practice, and grow in ministry and life skills such as:

  • Disciple making
  • Missionary engagement
  • Devotional living
  • Listening and responding to the Holy Spirit
  • Understanding, interpreting, applying Scripture
  • Leadership development
  • Rest and rhythm
  • Confidence in identity

Is FORM specifically for those preparing for full-time vocational ministry?

No. FORM provides an intensive training environment to prepare you for a lifetime of calling to missional discipleship within your community, church, and vocation.

Are there other FORM expressions elsewhere?

Yes. FORM originated more than twenty years ago in Sheffield, England and presently has programs in places like Kansas, Washington, Indiana, and Australia.

What are the prerequisites?

As you consider applying, we ask that you:

  • Be a growing follower of Jesus
  • Agree to a general statement of faith
  • Have a flexible schedule
  • Have access to personal transportation
  • Have a high school diploma
  • Submit your completed application below
  • Participate in the interview process
  • Commit yourself to FORM goals, expectations, & schedule

What are the expectations for participants?

We expect FORM interns to:

  1. Be Present. Our time together is most beneficial when everyone fully engages and participates in the process. You are expected to participate at Apex on Sunday mornings and during scheduled times in addition to your flexible ministry hours. It’s your responsibility to let leaders know if you cannot attend for unforeseen circumstances (sickness, etc.) or if you’re out of town.
  2. Be Punctual. Come prepared to start on time.
  3. Be Teachable. Ask questions and stay curious! People who adopt a posture of a lifelong learner go further than those who think they have it all figured out.
  4. Be Informed. Carefully read all emails and texts from FORM leaders so that you are well informed. Respond in a timely manner when necessary.
  5. Be Prepared. Complete any assignments ahead of time and come ready to participate in discussions and meetings.
  6. Be Positive. Your attitude is contagious! Negativity not only hurts you, but impacts the rest of the team. Take time to relax and refresh your spirit. If there is a problem, make sure you are handling conflict biblically.
  7. Be Honest. We’ll dive deep in our time together and we want to get to know the real you. To fully invest in your development requires honesty and openness about where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re headed.
  8. Be Flexible. Things usually don’t go as planned! We encourage innovation and creativity in problem solving. Ask questions and be prepared to adapt on the go.

Don’t just take our word for it!

“I had the pleasure of being involved in FORM and I would call it a journey of transformation.”

— Glen

“Personally, I’ve changed a lot over the last semester. I’ve become more intentional in my conversations and I feel like I have the tools to go deeper.”

— Taylor

“This experience isn’t about spitting out cookie cutter Christians, more so, it’s about the journey towards authentic community.”

— Lisa

Are you ready to begin a journey that will transform your faith?

Apply for FORM

Applications currently closed.