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Serve at Apex

When God made us, he gave us unique and valuable skills, abilities, and gifts to share with the world and reflect the fullness of the body of Christ.

There are many opportunities to serve throughout Apex: when we’re gathering together to celebrate God, growing together in Jesus through authentic community, and going together into the world.

Family Ministry Opportunities

The primary focus of Family Ministry (FM) is to equip families for discipleship. They do this by ministering to children and students during the gatherings, at youth group, and at special events, as well as offering resources and opportunities for families to grow together.

Commitment: Unless otherwise noted, most team members serve on a monthly rotation during the 10am gathering on Sundays. 


FM Check-In

Team members in the check-in area provide a warm welcome, directions to the right room or person, and support to the rest of the FM team.


Kid Life

Team members serve with grades 1st - 4th in Kid Life as small group leaders. They disciple kids through relationships, prayer, discussion, and activities centered around the Bible.

Infant - 3 Years Old

Team members work in the Infant - 3 hallway, nurturing our littlest ones, helping them grow, and introducing them to who God is.


Middle School

Small group leaders play a vital role in shaping spiritual and social bonds and connecting students. Middle School meets Wednesday nights at 6.

4, 5, & K

Team members work with kids ages 4 and 5, and kindergarteners, showing them what God is like, and how to be more like Jesus.


High School

Small group leaders play a vital role in shaping spiritual and social bonds and connecting students. High School meets Sunday evenings at 5.


Join the Family Ministry Team

Gathering Opportunities

During our weekly gathering, there are many moving parts that allow these mornings to flow smoothly. From the music, to the lights and sound, and serving coffee, below are a few ways you can help.

Commitment: Unless otherwise noted, most team members serve on a monthly rotation during the 10am gathering on Sunday. 


Welcome Team

The Welcome Team serves before and after the weekend gathering by greeting people at the doors, assisting at the Help Desk, and providing safety in the hallways. They’re a vital part of extending hospitality.



Sound teams manage the audio components at Apex gatherings. They make sure what is happening in the gathering is heard clearly. This includes: running the front of house console for the live Gathering, running the broadcast console for the Livestream, recording the music and sermon, and preparing the stage for the band.


We desire to recognize who God is, to recognize who we are and to act accordingly in worship. Our rotation of four different bands helps us to do that. We would love to have you consider applying to join one of our teams to help lead in worship!


Media, Video & Lights

These teams partner with us in several ways. Our Video team runs the Livestream and records video from each Gathering. Our media and lighting teams run computer operated lights and a program that projects text and video. Team members create a welcoming atmosphere by capturing video, keeping the stage well lit and slides clearly seen.

Mission’s Cafe

The Missions Cafe offers donuts and coffee before the gathering begins. All donations help support Apex missionaries around the world. Collaborators help prepare, oversee and breakdown the cafe.


Security Team

The Security Team works behind the scenes on Sundays to keep the building as safe as possible. If you have a background in law enforcement or security, this might be a great fit.


Join the Gathering Team

Leadership Opportunities

There are multiple ways to step into leadership at Apex, starting with joining a household or house church and participating in a leadership development huddle.


House Church Shepherd

Qualified disciples whose godly character, competency, and gifting set them apart to intentionally serve and equip the body for God’s mission proven through faithful commitment to the life and mission of a local house church. 

Huddle Leader

Qualified disciples whose godly character, competency, and gifting set them apart to intentionally serve and equip the body for God’s mission proven through faithful commitment to the life and mission of a local house church. 

Learning Experience

These twice yearly training opportunities take a team to put together as we navigate many logistics like event organization, registration, hospitality, childcare, and meal prep.


Join the Leadership Team

Other Opportunities

Here are a few additional ways to serve Apex seasonally or throughout the week.


Creative Team

Whatever your creative gift - photos, videos, graphics, art, and everything in between - we’re always looking to capture life around Apex and infuse creativity in different projects.

Hospitality Team

We like to celebrate the big and little things at Apex! If you have a gift of hospitality or party planning, we’d love your help for special events.

Admin & IT

Whether it’s an administration or technological gift, our team can always use help in these areas.

Facility & Grounds

The building and surrounding area requires ongoing maintenance so there’s many ways to help if you’re handy or enjoy cleaning.


Join the Team at Apex

Have an idea of how to serve in another way?

Let us know how!