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Entity: Refuge Hill Church Ohio


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Archive Datetime: 2016-06-13T12:10:21

Apex Staff

June 2, 2016

Gauntlet Sermon Series

Apex Staff

June 2, 2016

Gauntlet Sermon Series

Are you facing adversity? Are there truths that you are not believing? Do you see God’s glory in all circumstances? Join us for our next sermon series, Gauntlet: Adversity and God’s Glory, starting on June 11-12 at the Kettering campus and June 19 at the Xenia campus.


Apex Staff

May 31, 2016

VBS 2016

Apex Staff

May 31, 2016

VBS 2016

Join us June 27-30 for Vacation Bible School’s “Egypt: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace.” If you’d like to volunteer, contact

Apex Staff

May 23, 2016

Middle School Camp

Apex Staff

May 23, 2016

Middle School Camp

All middle school students are welcome to join us at Real Camp at Camp Chautauqua on July 18-22. Click here to register.

Apex Staff

April 26, 2016

Baptism Weekend

Apex Staff

April 26, 2016

Baptism Weekend

Desire to be obedient to baptism? We invite you to participate in our next celebration weekend, June 25-26. First step is to fill out the baptism interest form. Click here for more information,

Apex Staff

April 4, 2016

Circles Kettering Youth Program

Apex Staff

April 4, 2016

Circles Kettering Youth Program

God has done significant work through young people in the Bible and throughout history. We believe that is true today. At Circles Kettering we also believe that pouring into our youth is the best chance of eradicating generational poverty and we are in need of volunteers!

Apex Staff

January 1, 2016

Xenia Welcome Lunch

Apex Staff

January 1, 2016

Xenia Welcome Lunch

Come learn about Apex - our mission, vision, and ministry model at our next Welcome Lunch. We would love for you to join us! Lunch will be provided and childcare will be available. 

Tagged: Xenia Campus

Apex Staff

December 11, 2015


Hello Photographers!

Apex Staff

December 11, 2015


Hello Photographers!

Apex Anthologies is looking for photographers who are passionate about storytelling, meeting new people, and serving others. To learn more, email

Apex Anthologies

October 8, 2015

Share Your Story

Apex Anthologies

October 8, 2015

Share Your Story

Is life on earth just seven billion unconnected stories? Or is there more? If you would like to share how your story is part of the grand narrative of God’s work through Jesus, we’d love to hear from you! 

Apex Staff

October 5, 2015

House Churches

Sermons & Music

Apex Staff

October 5, 2015

House Churches

Sermons & Music

You can access our sermons and music from each weekend on our website under the Resources tab. Also, has lyrics and chord charts to help your house church with times of singing. (the password is: apex)

Tagged: Resources