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Archive Datetime: 2011-12-04T03:38:22

October 8th, 2011 by phil.wing

The next round of auditions for the Apex Band are Oct 30th & 31st. We will be auditioning for both the Kettering Campus and the Xenia Campus bands.

If you have a decent musical ability and a strong desire to communicate the Gospel, please consider auditioning!

Download an Audition Info Packet here or pick one up at an Apex gathering.  This packet contains all necessary info as well as a band application.

Applications are due by Oct. 23rd.

We are currently auditioning for:


  • vocals
  • electric guitar
  • bass
  • keyboard
  • stringed instruments


  • vocals
  • drums
  • bass
  • electric guitar
  • keyboard
  • stringed instruments

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