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Archive Datetime: 2011-04-17T16:07:43

March 31st, 2011 by drew.clemens

Here are the plans for this year’s Passion Weekend! Our house churches are encouraged to get together and pray on Thursday the 21st focusing on “Jesus as the Servant.” (Staff hopes to provide some suggested prayer plans for this). We’ll then be having a 6:30-8:00pm Good Friday gathering at Apex focusing on “Jesus as the Sacrifice” (see Apex Kids note below). Lastly, our normal weekend gatherings (at their normal times) will be the culmination and celebration of “Jesus as our Savior!” Apex Kids & StudentsApex Kids will have normal classes on Easter Saturday and Sunday; however, there will only be limited kids ministry for Good Friday. If you want your child to participate in Apex Kids during the Good Friday service, limited spots are available… please register online ASAP by clicking the link below:

Click Here for Good Friday Kids Classes Registration

Apex Students will have no activities all day on Saturday or Sunday. This includes 56 Crew, 78 Ignition, and High School.

Tags: kids, students

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