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Entity: Refuge Hill Church Ohio


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Archive Datetime: 2010-02-12T12:10:33


Family Ministries

Kids and students of all ages are welcome and encouraged to be involved with the house churches of their parents or guardians. The family environment is beneficial to the kids, as well as the adults! In addition to house church involvement, Apex facilitates specific network-wide family ministries to come alongside parents as they raise their children. Like all of Apex, our family ministries value our 3G ministry approach.

Apex Kids

Includes children from birth through 4th grade. It also supports 56 Crew, a unique transitional ministry for 5th & 6th graders as they prepare to enter student ministry.

Apex Students

Includes students from 7th grade through Seniors in high school. Our student ministry focuses on discipleship which lasts a lifetime… beyond the student’s graduation.

Next: Meet our family ministry leadership.