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Family Ministry

Creation Kids

Familes of children with special needs face many unique challenges. We are committed to providing a ministry dedicated to these children for safety, fun and a nurturing environment. Our goal and mission:

• Partnering with families to provide a safe, caring and welcoming environment for children with special needs

• Share the love of God with all people

• Build awareness of the ministry for all people to feel welcome and included

Having a “buddy”

Creation kids provides each child in the program with a “buddy” helper. That “buddy” is informed of all pertinent information about the child and will be there in the class throughout to help in any way. Creation kids is made up of therapists, parents of children with special needs and people who are passionate about serving those with disabilities.

How do i get involved?

1. Ask for a creation kids question sheet to fill out at the kids lobby information desk.

2. Return sheet to the info desk or mail back to the apex office.

3. We will contact you to let know that your information is in our system and ask if there is anything else we can help your family with.

4. Your child will have a “buddy” for class while you attend the apex weekend gathering. We also will stay in touch and let you know of any upcoming special events!


Meet our Creation Kids leadership!