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Archive Datetime: 2018-03-15T12:58:58

For the Life of the World (FLOW)

Dear HC Shepherd,

I have something amazing that I want to share with you as we continue to explore 1 Peter and our Christian identity as exiles. 

It’s a series of short films that explores the challenge of being “in the world, but not of it.” As Christians, we hear that fairly often, but what does it really mean? This film series, “For the Life of the World: Letters to the Exiles” (FLOW for short), digs into that question: it’s an exploration of Faith and Culture—of how we live as “salt and light” in an imperfect world. The series is thought-provoking, beautiful, and a lot of fun—unlike anything you’ve seen before. 

“Oikonomia” is a Greek word that means “God’s Economy of All Things.” Over seven episodes, “For the Life of the World” discusses this concept and explores God’s plan for his creation, the world, and us. If you want to check out more about this immersive series, go to

To claim a DVD copy for your house church and a field guide that helps you lead dialogue in your community, fill out the request form below. 

Serving Together, 
Jason Zastrow
Growing Team Lead


Register for your copy here