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I’m unsure about missions. Is it really worth my time?

Taking deliberate steps to join the mission of God is not easy and resistance will be a constant companion on the journey. However we remain motivated, knowing that the work of declaring the gospel must be complete for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 24:14) God’s children want to see their King.

What are some good resources for understanding missions?

Resources should always accompany the work. One without the other is harmful. Here are couple of our top picks: The Fuel for Death-Defying Missions, When Helping Hurts, Center Church, Strangers Next Door, To Transform a City, and 9 Game Changers for Global Missions.

What is an unreached people group? Where are they?

An unreached people group (UPG) is an ethne of people who do not have a self-propagating, self-sustaining movement of Christ among them. Beyond that, many of these groups are unengaged, living their entire life without once hearing the name of Christ. UPG’s are located in what many call the 10/40 window, but are increasingly migrating to American cities, including Dayton.

Where does Apex Mission’s money go?

Apex desires to spend at least 70% of its mission’s funds on efforts to reach unreached people groups, particularly through indigenous efforts. The rest is distributed to regional/ house church driven efforts for local and global evangelism.

I desire to take part in short term missions, what does this look like?

Apex encourages two types of short term experiences. If you have never experienced the developing world and its needs, then an exposure trip is a must. Continuing STM trips should become increasingly strategic to maximize effective kingdom results.

I have a heart for long term mission’s. Will Apex support me?What organization do you recommend?

Apex is not a sending agency. This means that if you are called to global missions, you will need to go under the auspices of a missions organization. We highly recommend connecting with the International Missions Board, Frontiers, Operation Mobilization, and Pioneers.

I am in a house church, how do I go about raising support?

We recommend obtaining individual support. Start by gaining investors in your house church and then schedule a meeting with the going staff to talk through opportunities beyond the house church.

If I am not in a house church, am I still able to raise support?

House churches are big at Apex. Our primary focus is going to be supporting those who have committed to them. If you know someone in a house church, feel free to approach them about support. But to receive help on a broader scale, you will need to join a house church.

Can I lead my own trip? How do I start?How far in advance should I start planning for it?

Leading your own trip is always a possibility. Set up a meeting with the going staff to see if this can be a reality. It is helpful to know, the more time, the better. Through our experience we recommend that you contact and meet with us nine months prior to your trip.

I am not able to go somewhere right now, is there still a role for me?

Zeal should characterize a follower of Christ. If you are prevented from going, avidly look for opportunities to reach the unreached in Dayton. If you are in a place where that just is not feasible, you can still be a zealous sender. Consider all your resources as a part of God’s Kingdom and see how you can use them to support those going or organizations empowering the global church.